Sadayappan, P. An Approach to Locality-Conscious Load Balancing and Transparent Memory Hierarchy Management with a
Global-Address-Space Parallel Programming Model
An Extensible Global Address Space Framework with Decoupled Task and Data Abstractions
Memory Minimization for Tensor Contractions using Integer Linear Programming
Parallel FPGA-based All-Pairs Shortest-Paths in a Directed Graph
Scheduling of Tasks with Batch-shared I/O on Heterogeneous Systems
Safaei, F. Software-Based Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm in Multi-Demensional Networks
Sahoo, Ramendra K. Cooperative Checkpointing Theory
Evaluating Cooperative Checkpointing for Supercomputer Systems
Lossless Compression for Large Scale Cluster Logs
Saini, Subhash Interconnect Performance Evaluation of SGI Altix 3700 BX2, Cray X1, Cray Opteron Cluster, and Dell PowerEdge
Performance Evaluation of Supercomputers using HPCC and IMB Benchmarks
Sait, Sadiq M. Evaluating Parallel Simulated Evolution Strategies for VLSI Cell Placement
Sakellariou, Rizos An Evaluation of Heuristics for SLA Based Parallel Job Scheduling
Scheduling Multiple DAGs onto Heterogeneous Systems
Salfner, Felix Predicting Failures of Computer Systems: A Case Study for a Telecommunication System
Saltz, Joel Design and Analysis of a Multi-dimensional Data Sampling Service for Large Scale Data Analysis Applications
Scheduling of Tasks with Batch-shared I/O on Heterogeneous Systems
Saltz , J. I/O Conscious Algorithm Design and Systems Support for Data Analysis on Emerging Architectures
Sampson, John Detecting Phases in Parallel Applications on Shared Memory Architectures
Sanchez, Cesar On Efficient Distributed Deadlock Avoidance for Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Sanchez, Eduardo On-chip and On-line Self-Reconfigurable Adaptable Platform: the Non-Uniform Cellular Automata Case
Sancho-royo, Alejandro A Proposal of Metaheuristics Based in the Cooperation between Operators in Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Santambrogio, Marco Domenico VHDL to FPGA automatic IPCore generation: A case study on Xilinx design flow
Santonja, Vicente Dynamic Power Saving in Fat-Tree Interconnection Networks Using On/Off Links
Santoro, Nicola Network Decontamination with Local Immunization
Santos, Ricardo Exploiting Dynamic Reconfiguration Techniques: The 2D-VLIW Approach
Sarbazi-azad, Hamid A Comparative Performance Analysis of n-Cubes and Star Graphs
Analytical Performance Modelling of Adaptive Wormhole Routing in the Star Interconnection Network
Analytical Performance Modelling of Partially Adaptive Routing in Hypercubes
Sarin, Vivek Parallel Algorithms for Inductance Extraction of VLSI Circuits
Sassatelli, Gilles Securing Embedded Programmable Gate Arrays in Secure Circuits
Sato, Mitsuhisa MegaProto/E: Power-Aware High-Performance Cluster with Commodity Technology
Profile-based Optimization of Power Performance by using Dynamic Voltage Scaling on a PC cluster
Scarano, Vittorio Optimizing the Finger Table in Chord-like DHTs
Schüler, Erik Increasing Analog Programmability in SoCs
Schaeli, Basile A Simulator for Parallel Applications with Dynamically Varying Compute Node Allocation
Schamberger, Stefan Accelerating Shape Optimizing Load Balancing for Parallel FEM Simulations by Algebraic Multigrid
Scheideler, Christian Distributed Coloring in Ő (Ö
log n) Bit Rounds
Scheidler, Alexander Self-Organized Task Allocation for Computing Systems with Reconfigurable Components
Scheirer, Walter Network Intrusion Detection with Semantics-Aware Capability
Schieschke, Michael Predicting Failures of Computer Systems: A Case Study for a Telecommunication System
Schindelhauer, Christian Distributed Coloring in Ő (Ö
log n) Bit Rounds
Oblivious Parallel Probabilistic Channel Utilization without Control Channels
Schiper, André Structural and Algorithmic Issues of Dynamic Protocol Update
Schmid, Stefan Algorithmic Models for Sensor Networks
Schmidt, Bertil Bio-Sequence Database Scanning on a GPU
Schnable, Patrick S. Assembling Genomes on Large-Scale Parallel Computers
Scholten, Hans On Consistency Maintenance In Service Discovery
Schordan, Markus Annotating User-Defined Abstractions for Optimization
Schroder, Andre Bio-Sequence Database Scanning on a GPU
Schuch, Silke Parallelisation of a Simulation Tool for Casting and Solidification Processes on Windows Platforms
Schuck, Christian Elementary Block Based 2-Dimensional Dynamic and Partial Reconfiguration for Virtex-II FPGAs
Schulz, Martin Dynamic Program Phase Detection in Distributed Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Schuster, Jeffrey W. Speech Silicon AM: An FPGA-Based Acoustic Modeling Pipeline for Hidden Markov Model based Speech Recognition
Schwiebert, Loren Preserving Source Location Privacy in Monitoring-Based Wireless Sensor Networks
Sechi, Mirela Towards Building a Highly-Available Cluster Based Model for High Performance Computing
Sedighi, Mehdi Reducing Reconfiguration Time of Reconfigurable Computing Systems in Integrated Temporal Partitioning and Physical Design
Sedukhin, Stanislav G. The General Matrix Multiply-Add Operation on 2D Torus
Sehr, Matthias Privacy-aware Presence Management in Instant Messaging Systems
Seidel, Steven R. A Performance Model for Fine-Grain Accesses in UPC
Semé, David Power-Dependable Transactions in Mobile Networks
Sen, Koushik Decentralized Runtime Analysis of Multithreaded Applications
Sendag, Resit Quantifying and Reducing the Effects of Wrong-Path Memory References in Cache-Coherent Multiprocessor Systems
Sens, Pierre Using Incentives to Increase Availability in a DHT
Septién, Julio 2D Defragmentation Heuristics for Hardware Multitasking on Reconfigurable Devices
Seredynski, Franciszek A Nonself Space Approach to Network Anomaly Detection
Sereno, Matteo Efficient Broadcasting of Safety Messages in Multihop Vehicular Networks
Model-based Evaluation of Search Strategies in peer-to-peer Networks
Sezer, Sakir Design and Analysis of Matching Circuit Architectures for a Closest Match Lookup
Investigation into Programmability for Layer 2 Protocol Frame Delineation Architectures
Shaikh, Hidayatullah Resource Management with Stateful Support for Analytic Applications
Shan, Jiulong Parallel implementation and performance characterization of MUSCLE
Shao, Shuyi A Compiler-based Communication Analysis Approach for Multiprocessor Systems
Sharma, Amit Topology-aware Task Mapping for Reducing Communication Contention on Large Parallel Machines
Sharma, Sushant Making a Case for a Green500 List
Shavit, Nir Composite Abortable Locks
Sheahan, Robert Dynamic Resource Allocation of Computer Clusters with Probabilistic Workloads
Shen, Haiying Hash-based Proximity Clustering for Load Balancing in Heterogeneous DHT Networks
Shen, Kai Program Phase Detection and Exploitation
Shi, Weisong Preserving Source Location Privacy in Monitoring-Based Wireless Sensor Networks
Shi, Xudong Coterminous Locality and Coterminous Group Data Prefetching on Chip-Multiprocessors
Shipman, Galen M. Infiniband Scalability in Open MPI
Shnayderman, Ilya Wire-Speed Total Order
Shu, Guoqiang A Note on Broadcast Encryption Key Management with Applications to Large Scale Emergency Alert Systems
Siegel, Howard Jay A Brokering Framework for Large-Scale Heterogeneous Systems
Plan Switching: An Approach to Plan Execution in Changing Environments
Sifakis, Joseph WPDRTS Keynote: Component-based Construction of Embedded Systems
Sikdar, Biplab Modeling Malware Propagation in Gnutella Type Peer-to-Peer Networks
Silc, Jurij Ant Stigmergy on the Grid: Optimizing the Cooling Process in Continuous Steel Casting
Silva, Miguel L. Exploiting dynamic reconfiguration of platform FPGAs: Implementation issues
Silvestri, Francesco Cache-Oblivious Simulation of Parallel Programs
Singh, Manbir Accelerating DTI Tractography using FPGAs
Singhal, Gaurav Battery Aware Dynamic Scheduling for Periodic Task Graphs
Singhal, Love Physically-aware Exploitation of Component Reuse in a Partially Reconfigurable Architecture
Sinha, Rishi Rakesh Bitmap Indexes for Large Scientific Data Sets: A Case Study
Siozios, Konstantinos Platform-based FPGA Architecture: Designing High-Performance and Low-Power Routing Structure for Realizing DSP Applications
Sipma, Henny B. On Efficient Distributed Deadlock Avoidance for Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Siqueira, Isabela G. An Integrated Approach for Density Control and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Sivasubramaniam, Anand Enhancing L2 Organization for CMPs with a Center Cell
Skambraks, Martin A Real-Time PES Supporting Runtime State Restoration after Transient Hardware-Faults
Skeie, Tor Segment-Based Routing: An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm for Meshes and Tori
Sleiman, Marwan Dynamic Resource Allocation of Computer Clusters with Probabilistic Workloads
Slimane, Mohamed Sharing Resources with Artificial Ants
Smit, Gerard J. M. An Optimal Architecture for a DDC
A Pattern Selection Algorithm for Multi-Pattern Scheduling
Smith, Marc L. Phylospaces: Reconstructing Evolutionary Trees in Tuple Space
Smolka, Scott A. Compiler-Assisted Software Verification Using Plug-Ins
Soares, André Borin Reconfigurable Communications for Image Processing Applications
Sobe, Peter Construction of Efficient OR-based Deletion-tolerant Coding Schemes
Sobral, Joao Luis Ferreira Incrementally Developing Parallel Applications with AspectJ
Soffa , Mary Lou Techniques and Tools for Dynamic Optimization
Sokolsky, Oleg Schedulability Analysis of AADL Models
Solar, Manuel Rubio Del Placement and Routing of Boolean Functions in constrained FPGAs using a Distributed Genetic Algorithm and Local Search.
Solihin, Yan Helper Thread Prefetching for Loosely-Coupled Multiprocessor Systems
Son, Sang H. An Overview of Data Aggregation Architecture for Real-Time Tracking with Sensor Networks
Son, Seung Woo Integrated Link/CPU Voltage Scaling for Reducing Energy Consumption of Parallel Sparse Matrix Applications
Sosonkina, Masha IMAGE: An approach to building standards-based enterprise Grids
Sotiriades, Euripides FPGA based Architecture for DNA Sequence Comparison and Database Search
Some Initial Results on Hardware BLAST Acceleration with a Reconfigurable Architecture
Sottile, Matthew J. Performance Analysis of Parallel Programs via Message-passing Graph Traversal
Soudris, Dimitrios Platform-based FPGA Architecture: Designing High-Performance and Low-Power Routing Structure for Realizing DSP Applications
Souham, Meshoul Multiple Sequence Alignment by Quantum Genetic Algorithm
Soula, Julien Real-Time Systems for Multi-Processor Architectures
Sousa, Leonel Reconfigurable Memory Based AES Co-Processor
Sousa, Marcelo S. A Multiple Task Allocation Framework for Biological Sequence Comparison in a Grid Environment
Souza, Fábio N. Using Stochastic Petri Nets for Performance Modelling of Application Servers
Souza, Leandro DVoDP2P: Distributed P2P Assisted Multicast VoD Architecture
Spelce, Thomas E. Performance Evaluation of Supercomputers using HPCC and IMB Benchmarks
Spies, François Simulating and Optimizing A Peer-to-Peer Computing Framework
Spognardi, Angelo A Formal Framework for the Performance Analysis of P2P Networks Protocols
Spooner, Daniel P. Performance Evaluation of Scheduling Applications with DAG Topologies on Multiclusters with Independent Local Schedulers
Srimani, Pradip Self-Stabilizing Distributed Algorithms for Graph Alliances
Stamatakis, Alexandros Phylogenetic Models of Rate Heterogeneity: A High Performance Computing Perspective
Stander, Justin Design Space Exploration for Low-Power Reconfigurable Fabrics
Stankovic, John A. An Overview of Data Aggregation Architecture for Real-Time Tracking with Sensor Networks
Steffan, J. Gregory Improving Cache Locality for Thread-Level Speculation
Steffenel, Luiz Angelo Barchet- Scheduling Heuristics for Efficient Broadcast Operations on Grid Environments
Sterling, Thomas Hierarchical Multithreading: Programming Model and System Software
Stevens, Rick Hierarchical Multithreading: Programming Model and System Software
Stewart, Greg A Database-centric Approach to System Management in the Blue Gene/L Supercomputer
Stiehr, Gary Improving Cluster Utilization through Intelligent Processor Sharing
Stierand, Ingo An Optimal Approach to the Task Allocation Problem on Hierarchical Architectures
Stodghill, Paul Recent Advances in Checkpoint/Recovery Systems
Stojmenovic, Milos Broadcasting and Routing in Faulty Mesh Networks
Subramonian, Venkita On Efficient Distributed Deadlock Avoidance for Real-Time and Embedded Systems
Sucha, Premysl Scheduling of Tasks with Precedence Delays and Relative Deadlines - Framework for Time-optimal Dynamic Reconfiguration of FPGAs
Sukhatme, Gaurav Engineering Reliability into Hybrid Systems via Rich Design Models: Recent Results and Current Directions
Sun, Ninghui An Experimental Study of Optimizing Bioinformatics Applications
Improving Locality of Nonserial Polyadic Dynamic Programming
Sun, Xian-he PMEO Keynote: Remove the Memory Wall: From performance modeling to architecture optimization
The GHS Grid Scheduling System: Implementation and Performance Comparison
Sundararaj, Ananth I. Free Network Measurement For Adaptive Virtualized Distributed Computing
Sunderam, Vaidy Integrating Heterogeneous Information Services Using JNDI
Sundramoorthy, Vasughi On Consistency Maintenance In Service Discovery
Supinski, Bronis R. De Dynamic Program Phase Detection in Distributed Shared-Memory Multiprocessors
Suppi, Remo DVoDP2P: Distributed P2P Assisted Multicast VoD Architecture
Sur, Sayantan Shared Receive Queue based Scalable MPI Design for InfiniBand Clusters
Susin, Altamiro Amadeu Reconfigurable Communications for Image Processing Applications
Sussman, Alan DiST: Fully Decentralized Indexing for Querying Distributed Multidimensional Datasets
Suzuki, Masayasu A Cost-Effective Context Memory Structure for Dynamically Reconfigurable Processors
Svensson, Bertil A Configurable Framework for Stream Programming Exploration in Baseband Applications
Swany, Martin An Automated Approach to Improve Communication-Computation Overlap in Clusters
Sweeney, Peter F. Aligning Traces for Performance Evaluation
Szychowiak, Michal Checkpointing and Rollback-Recovery Protocol for Mobile Systems with MW Session Guarantee
Ta, Duong Nguyen Binh Efficient Client-to-Server Assignments for Distributed Virtual Environments
Tabero, Jesús 2D Defragmentation Heuristics for Hardware Multitasking on Reconfigurable Devices
Taher, Mohamed Exploiting Processing Locality through Paging Configurations in Multitasked Reconfigurable Systems
Taheri, Javid A Combined Genetic-Neural Algorithm for Mobility Management
Takahashi, Daisuke MegaProto/E: Power-Aware High-Performance Cluster with Commodity Technology
Profile-based Optimization of Power Performance by using Dynamic Voltage Scaling on a PC cluster
Talbi, El-ghazali A Parallel Exact Hybrid Approach for Solving Multi-Objective Problems on the Computational Grid
Tan, Chik How Energy-Efficient ID-based Group Key Agreement Protocols for Wireless Networks
Tan, Guangming An Experimental Study of Optimizing Bioinformatics Applications
Improving Locality of Nonserial Polyadic Dynamic Programming
Tarawneh, M. Parallel Implementation of a Quartet-Based Algorithm for Phylogenetic Analysis
Tatas, Konstantinos Platform-based FPGA Architecture: Designing High-Performance and Low-Power Routing Structure for Realizing DSP Applications
Tatikonda, S. I/O Conscious Algorithm Design and Systems Support for Data Analysis on Emerging Architectures
Taufer, Michela A Systematic Multi-step Methodology for Performance Analysis of Communication Traces of Distributed Applications based on
Hierarchical Clustering
Tchernykh, Andrei Parallel Multiple Sequence Alignment with Local Phylogeny Search by Simulated Annealing
Teller, Patricia Unification of Verification and Validation Methods for Software Systems: Progress Report and Initial Case Study Formulation
Teller, Patricia J. A Systematic Multi-step Methodology for Performance Analysis of Communication Traces of Distributed Applications based on
Hierarchical Clustering
Tenzer, Jennifer A Design Environment for Mobile Applications
Teo, Joseph Chee Ming Energy-Efficient ID-based Group Key Agreement Protocols for Wireless Networks
Teo, Yong Meng An Adaptive Stabilization Framework for Distributed Hash Tables
Thakur, Rajeev MPI-IO/L: Efficient Remote I/O for MPI-IO via Logistical Networking
Thanailakis, Antonios Platform-based FPGA Architecture: Designing High-Performance and Low-Power Routing Structure for Realizing DSP Applications
Thazhuthaveetil, M. J. Exploiting Programmable Network Interfaces for Parallel Query Execution in Workstation Clusters
Theodoridis, George An Automated Development Framework for a RISC Processor with Reconfigurable Instruction Set Extensions
Thomas, Nigel Modelling Job Allocation where Service Duration is Unknown
Performance Analysis of Stochastic Process Algebra Models using Stochastic Simulation
Thorvaldsen, Stian Formal Modeling and Analysis of Wireless Sensor Network Algorithms in Real-Time Maude
Tian, Yuan Real-Time Task Mapping and Scheduling for Collaborative In-Network Processing in DVS-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks
Timmermann, Dirk A Distributed Object System Approach for Dynamic Reconfiguration
Tirthapura, Srikanta Concurrent Counting is Harder than Queuing
Tixeuil, Sébastien Fault Injection in Distributed Java Applications
Tiyyagura, Sunil R. Performance Evaluation of Supercomputers using HPCC and IMB Benchmarks
Toal, Ciaran Investigation into Programmability for Layer 2 Protocol Frame Delineation Architectures
Tomas, Rosana Parallel Calculation of Volcanoes for Cryptographic Uses
Tongsima, Sissades MT-ClustalW: Multithreading Multiple Sequence Alignment
Torres, Lionel Securing Embedded Programmable Gate Arrays in Secure Circuits
Toscher, Steffen Implementation of a Reconfigurable Hard Real-Time Control System for Mechatronic and Automotive Applications
Touzene, Abderezak Approximated Tensor Sum Preconditioner for Stochastic Automata Networks
Tovar, Eduardo GTS Allocation Analysis in IEEE 802.15.4 for Real-Time Wireless Sensor Networks
Trachsel, Oliver On the Effectiveness of Speculative and Selective Memory Fences
Traff, Jesper Larsson Collective Operations in NEC's High-performance MPI Libraries
Tretola, Giancarlo Workflow Fine-grained Concurrency with Automatic Continuation
Trikaliotis, Spiro Evaluating a Clock Synchronization for Dependable Sensor Networks
Trystram, Denis Parallel Multiple Sequence Alignment with Local Phylogeny Search by Simulated Annealing
Tsafrir, Dan Instability in Parallel Job Scheduling Simulation: The Role of Workload Flurries
Tsai, Mike Using SCTP to Hide Latency in MPI Programs
Tsouloupas, George Towards a Universal Client for Grid Monitoring Systems: Design and Implementation of the Ovid Browser
Tsugawa, Maurício A Virtual Network (ViNe) Architecture for Grid Computing
Tuan, Vu Manh A Cost-Effective Context Memory Structure for Dynamically Reconfigurable Processors
Performance and Power Analysis of Time-multiplexed Execution
on Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor
Tull, Monte P. Dynamic Configuration Steering for a Reconfigurable Superscalar Processor
Selection of Instruction Set Extensions for an FPGA Embedded Processor Core
Tullsen, Dean M. Exploiting Unbalanced Thread Scheduling for Energy and Performance on a CMP of SMT Processors
Tyson, Eric J. Auto-Pipe and the X Language: A Pipeline Design Tool and Description Language