Obermaisser, Roman Realization of Virtual Networks in the DECOS Integrated Architecture
Ohmacht , Alda S. A Database-centric Approach to System Management in the Blue Gene/L Supercomputer
Oliner, Adam J. Cooperative Checkpointing Theory
Evaluating Cooperative Checkpointing for Supercomputer Systems
Olveczky, Peter Csaba Formal Modeling and Analysis of Wireless Sensor Network Algorithms in Real-Time Maude
Onus, Melih Distributed Coloring in Ő (Ölog n) Bit Rounds
Oorschot, Paul C. Van Analysis of BGP Prefix Origins During Google's May 2005 Outage
Orbeck, John A Database-centric Approach to System Management in the Blue Gene/L Supercomputer
Ostaszewski, Marek A Nonself Space Approach to Network Anomaly Detection
Otero, Joăo Cláudio Soares Reconfiguration of Embedded Java Applications
Ould-khaoua, M. Software-Based Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm in Multi-Demensional Networks
Ould-khaoua, Mohamed Analytical Performance Modelling of Adaptive Wormhole Routing in the Star Interconnection Network
On the Probability Distribution of Busy Virtual Channels
Ozgüner, Füusun A Task Duplication Based Bottom-Up Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Environments
Ozguner, Fusun Real-Time Task Mapping and Scheduling for Collaborative In-Network Processing in DVS-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks
Özmen, Ahmet An Entropy-Based Algorithm for Time-Driven Software Instrumentation in Parallel Systems
Pérez, Christian Modeling and Executing Master-Worker applications
Pérez, Juan Manuel Sánchez Placement and Routing of Boolean Functions in constrained FPGAs using a Distributed Genetic Algorithm and Local
Pack, Gary D. Tree-based Overlay Networks for Scalable Applications
Padmanabhan, Shobana Automatic Application-Specific Microarchitecture Reconfiguration
Padua , David Hierarchically Tiled Arrays for Parallelism and Locality
Page, Andrew J. Distributed Monte Carlo Simulation of Light Transportation in Tissue
Pagli, Linda Network Decontamination with Local Immunization
Pai, Vijay S. Seekable Sockets: A Mechanism to Reduce Copy Overheads in TCP-based Messaging
Palazzo, Roberto VHDL to FPGA automatic IPCore generation: A case study on Xilinx design flow
Palop, Belén TPCC-UVa: An Open-Source TPC-C Implementation for Parallel and Distributed Systems
Pan, Zhelong Executing MPI Programs on Virtual Machines in an Internet Sharing System
Panda, D. K. Asynchronous Zero-copy Communication for Synchronous Sockets in the Sockets Direct Protocol (SDP) over InfiniBand
Designing Next Generation Data-Centers with Advanced Communication Protocols and Systems Services
Panda, Dhabaleswar K. Efficient SMP-Aware MPI-Level Broadcast over InfiniBand
Adaptive Connection Management for Scalable MPI over InfiniBand
Benefits of High Speed Interconnects to Cluster File Systems: A Case Study with Lustre
Shared Receive Queue based Scalable MPI Design for InfiniBand Clusters
Pande, Santosh Compiler Assisted Dynamic Management of Registers for Network Processors
Papaefthymiou, Marios C. Parallelizing Post-Placement Timing Optimization
Papakonstantinou, George Dynamic Multi Phase Scheduling for Heterogeneous Clusters
Parashar, Manish Dynamic Structured Partitioning for Parallel Scientific Applications with Pointwise Varying Workloads
Enabling Efficient and Flexible Coupling of Parallel Scientific Applications
Parthasarathy, S. I/O Conscious Algorithm Design and Systems Support for Data Analysis on Emerging Architectures
Design and Analysis of a Multi-dimensional Data
Sampling Service for Large Scale Data Analysis Applications
Patarasuk, Pitch Pipelined Broadcast on Ethernet Switched Clusters
Pathamsetty, Venkat A Case for Exploit-Robust and Attack-Aware Protocol RFCs
Patooghy, Ahmad Analytical Performance Modelling of Partially Adaptive Routing in Hypercubes
Paun, Gheorghe APDCM Keynote: Learning Computing Models from Cells and Tissues: P Systems
Pavlides, Theophanis Network Uncertainty in Selfish Routing
Pebay, P. P. OVIS: A Tool for Intelligent, Real-time Monitoring of Computational Clusters
Peir, Jih-kwon Coterminous Locality and Coterminous Group Data Prefetching on Chip-Multiprocessors
Pelta, David A Proposal of Metaheuristics Based in the Cooperation between Operators in Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Peng, Lu Coterminous Locality and Coterminous Group Data Prefetching on Chip-Multiprocessors
Penmatsa, Satish Cooperative Load Balancing for a Network of Heterogeneous Computers
Price-based User-optimal Job Allocation Scheme for Grid Systems
Penoff, Brad Towards MPI progression layer elimination with TCP and SCTP
Using SCTP to Hide Latency in MPI Programs
Perelman, Erez Detecting Phases in Parallel Applications on Shared Memory Architectures
Perez, Christian Distributed Workflow Coordination: Molecules and Reactions
Peter, Kathrin Construction of Efficient OR-based Deletion-tolerant Coding Schemes
Peti, Philipp Realization of Virtual Networks in the DECOS Integrated Architecture
Peyrard, Johann A Tool for Environment Deployment in Clusters and light Grids
Pezoa, Jorge E. Load Balancing in the Presence of Random Node Failure and Recovery
Philippou, Anna Network Uncertainty in Selfish Routing
Phillips, Stephen M. Decentralized and Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation in Networked Control Systems
Picconi, Fabio Using Incentives to Increase Availability in a DHT
Piel, Éric Real-Time Systems for Multi-Processor Architectures
Pietracaprina, Andrea Cache-Oblivious Simulation of Parallel Programs
Pietro, Roberto Di A Formal Framework for the Performance Analysis of P2P Networks Protocols
Pigola, Giuseppe Distributed Antipole Clustering for Efficient Data Search and Management in Euclidean and Metric Spaces
Pineau, Jean-francois The Impact of Heterogeneity on Master-slave On-line Scheduling
Pingali, Keshav Recent Advances in Checkpoint/Recovery Systems
Pinotti, C.m. Skewed Allocation of Non-Uniform Data for Broadcasting over Multiple Channels
Pionteck, Thilo An Adaptive System-on-Chip for Network Applications
Pitera, J. W. Parallel Implementation of the Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics Algorithm on Blue Gene/L
Platzner, Marco Partitioned Scheduling of Periodic Real-Time Tasks onto Reconfigurable Hardware
Plaza, Antonio High-Performance Computing in Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Imaging: The Pixel Purity Index Algorithm as a Case Study
Parallel Morphological Processing of Hyperspectral Image Data on Heterogeneous Networks of Computers
Plaza, Javier High-Performance Computing in Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Imaging: The Pixel Purity Index Algorithm as a Case Study
Polito, Marzia Detecting Phases in Parallel Applications on Shared Memory Architectures
Pollock, Lori An Automated Approach to Improve Communication-Computation Overlap in Clusters
Porrmann, M. Dedicated Module Access in Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems
Pota, Szabolcs High-Level Execution and Communication Support for Parallel Grid Applications in JGrid
The Benefits of Java and Jini in the JGrid System
Praphamontripong, Upsorn Model-driven Generative Techniques for Scalable Performability Analysis of Distributed Systems
Performance Analysis of the Reactor Pattern in Network Services
Prasanna, Viktor Accelerating DTI Tractography using FPGAs
Performance of FPGA Implementation of Bit-split Architecture for Intrusion Detection Systems
Praun, Christoph Von Hierarchically Tiled Arrays for Parallelism and Locality
On the Effectiveness of Speculative and Selective Memory Fences
Prevelakis, Vassilis Base Line Performance Measurements of Access Controls For Libraries and Modules
Priol, Thierry Distributed Workflow Coordination: Molecules and Reactions
Modeling and Executing Master-Worker applications
Pucci, Geppino Cache-Oblivious Simulation of Parallel Programs
Puente, Juan A. De La Schedulability Analysis of AR-TP, a Ravenscar Compliant Communication Protocol for High-Integrity Distributed Systems
Pulido, José A. Schedulability Analysis of AR-TP, a Ravenscar Compliant Communication Protocol for High-Integrity Distributed Systems
Pulido, Juan Antonio Gómez Placement and Routing of Boolean Functions in constrained FPGAs using a Distributed Genetic Algorithm and Local
Pulvirenti, Alfredo Distributed Antipole Clustering for Efficient Data Search and Management in Euclidean and Metric Spaces
Pundit, Neil Evaluating I/O Characteristics and Methods for Storing Structured Scientific Data
Qian, Ying Efficient RDMA-based Multi-port Collectives on Multi-rail QsNetII Clusters
Quaglia, Francesco A Simulation Study of the Effects of Multi-path Approaches in e-Commerce Applications
Enhancing the Performance of HLA-Based Simulation Systems via Software Diversity and Active Replication
Quinlan, Dan Annotating User-Defined Abstractions for Optimization
Quinton, Patrice Acceleration of a Content-Based Image-Retrieval Application on the RDISK Cluster
Röglinger, Maximilian Privacy-aware Presence Management in Instant Messaging Systems
Römer, Kay Solving Generic Role Assignment Exactly
Rünger, Gudula A Decomposition Approach for Optimizing the Performance of MPI Libraries
Anticipated Distributed Task Scheduling for Grid Environments
Rütti, Olivier Structural and Algorithmic Issues of Dynamic Protocol Update
Rabbah, Rodric MPEG-2 Decoding in a Stream Programming Language
Rabenseifner, Rolf Performance Evaluation of Supercomputers using HPCC and IMB Benchmarks
Radovic, Zoran Exploiting Locality: A Flexible DSM Approach
Raghavan, Padma Conjugate Gradient Sparse Solvers: Performance-Power Characteristics
Integrated Link/CPU Voltage Scaling for Reducing
Energy Consumption of Parallel Sparse Matrix Applications
On Improving Performance and Energy Profiles of Sparse Scientific Applications
Rajic, Hrabri L. Speeding up NGB with Distributed File Streaming Framework
Rakhmatov, Daler Multi-Clock Pipelined Design of an IEEE 802.11a Physical Layer Transmitter
Ramachandran, Krishna Kumar Modeling Malware Propagation in Gnutella Type Peer-to-Peer Networks
Ramanujam, J. Memory Minimization for Tensor Contractions using Integer Linear Programming
Ramo, Elena Perez A Configuration Memory Hierarchy for Fast Reconfiguration with Reduced Energy Consumption Overhead
Rana, Vincenzo VHDL to FPGA automatic IPCore generation: A case study on Xilinx design flow
Ranaldo, Nadia An Economy-driven Mapping Heuristic for Hierarchical Master-Slave Applications in Grid Systems
Rao, Venkat Battery Aware Dynamic Scheduling for Periodic Task Graphs
Rauber, Thomas A Decomposition Approach for Optimizing the Performance of MPI Libraries
Anticipated Distributed Task Scheduling for Grid Environments
Ray, Jaideep Dynamic Structured Partitioning for Parallel Scientific Applications with Pointwise Varying Workloads
Rayshubski, A. Parallel Implementation of the Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics Algorithm on Blue Gene/L
Reed, Don A Database-centric Approach to System Management in the Blue Gene/L Supercomputer
Rehm, Wolfgang Fast Barrier Synchronization for InfiniBand
Rehm, Wolfgang LogfP - A Model for small Messages in InfiniBand
Rehn, Veronika FIFO Scheduling of Divisible Loads with Return Messages under the One-port Model
Reinemann, Thomas Implementation of a Reconfigurable Hard Real-Time Control System for Mechatronic and Automotive Applications
Reinemo, Sven-arne Segment-Based Routing: An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm for Meshes and Tori
Ren, Xiaojuan Executing MPI Programs on Virtual Machines in an Internet Sharing System
Reniers, Michel A. Time Abstraction in Timed µCRL ŕ la Regions
Resano, Javier A Configuration Memory Hierarchy for Fast Reconfiguration with Reduced Energy Consumption Overhead
Rezazad, M. Software-Based Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm in Multi-Demensional Networks
Riakiotakis, Ioannis Dynamic Multi Phase Scheduling for Heterogeneous Clusters
Richard, Olivier A Tool for Environment Deployment in Clusters and light Grids
Lightweight Emulation to Study Peer-to-Peer Systems
Riesen, Rolf Communication Patterns
Rinard, Martin An Overview of the Jahob Analysis System Project Goals and Current Status
Ripoll, Ana DVoDP2P: Distributed P2P Assisted Multicast VoD Architecture
Ritzdorf, Hubert Collective Operations in NEC's High-performance MPI Libraries
Robert, Yves Centralized Versus Distributed Schedulers for Multiple bag-of-task applications
FIFO Scheduling of Divisible Loads with Return Messages under the One-port Model
The Impact of Heterogeneity on Master-slave On-line Scheduling
Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel Vega Placement and Routing of Boolean Functions in constrained FPGAs using a Distributed Genetic Algorithm and Local
Roig, Concepcio Parallel Calculation of Volcanoes for Cryptographic Uses
Romano, Paolo A Simulation Study of the Effects of Multi-path Approaches in e-Commerce Applications
Rosa, Nelson S. Using Stochastic Petri Nets for Performance Modelling of Application Servers
Roshandel, Roshanak Engineering Reliability into Hybrid Systems via Rich Design Models: Recent Results and Current Directions
Ross, Robert MPI-IO/L: Efficient Remote I/O for MPI-IO via Logistical Networking
Rosu, Grigore Decentralized Runtime Analysis of Multithreaded Applications
Roth, Philip C. Early Evaluation of the Cray XT3
Rountev, Atanas An Extensible Global Address Space Framework with Decoupled Task and Data Abstractions
Roussel, Gilles Saburo, a Tool for I/O and Concurrency Management in Servers
Rudolph, Larry Cooperative Checkpointing Theory
Ruelke, Steffen A High-level Target-precise Model for Designing Reconfigurable HW Tasks
Ruiz, Linnyer Beatrys An Integrated Approach for Density Control and Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks
Rullmann, Markus Maximum Edge Matching for Reconfigurable Computing
Ryu, Kyung Dong On-the-Fly Kernel Updates for High-Performance Computing Clusters