Abdallah, Chaouki T. Load Balancing in the Presence of Random Node Failure and Recovery
Abdesslem, Layeb Multiple Sequence Alignment by Quantum Genetic Algorithm
Abe, Shohei A Cost-Effective Context Memory Structure for Dynamically Reconfigurable Processors
Performance and Power Analysis of Time-multiplexed Execution
on Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor
Abella, Jaume SAMIE-LSQ: Set-Associative Multiple-Instruction Entry Load/Store Queue
Abou-rjeili, Amine Multilevel Algorithms for Partitioning Power-Law Graphs
Abu-tair, Mamun I. Performance Evaluation of an Enhanced Distributed Channel Access Protocol under Heterogeneous Traffic
Adamidis , Panagiotis Performance Evaluation of Supercomputers using HPCC and IMB Benchmarks
Affenzeller, Michael Advances in Applying Genetic Programming to Machine Learning, Focussing on Classification Problems
Afsahi, Ahmad Efficient RDMA-based Multi-port Collectives on Multi-rail QsNetII Clusters
Power-Performance Efficiency of Asymmetric Multiprocessors for Multi-threaded Scientific Applications
Agarwal, Tarun Topology-aware Task Mapping for Reducing Communication Contention on Large Parallel Machines
Agha, Gul Decentralized Runtime Analysis of Multithreaded Applications
Agrawal, Abhishek IP over P2P: Enabling Self-configuring Virtual IP Networks for Grid Computing
Agrawal, Gagan Supporting Self-Adaptation in Streaming Data Mining Applications
Aguilera, Gaby A Systematic Multi-step Methodology for Performance Analysis of Communication Traces of Distributed Applications based on
Hierarchical Clustering
Ahmad, Ishfaq Non-cooperative, Semi-cooperative, and Cooperative Games-based Grid Resource Allocation
Ahmadifar, Hamid Reza Reducing Reconfiguration Time of Reconfigurable Computing Systems in Integrated Temporal Partitioning and Physical
Design Framework
Akbari, Mohammad K. Coordinated Checkpoint from Message Payload in Pessimistic Sender-Based Message Logging
Aknine, Samir Plan-Based Replication for Fault-Tolerant Multi-Agent Systems
Alam, Sadaf R A Framework to Develop Symbolic Performance Models of Parallel Applications
Early Evaluation of the Cray XT3
Alba, Enrique Workforce Planning with Parallel Algorithms
Albonesi, David H. Compatible Phase Co-Scheduling on a CMP of Multi-Threaded Processors
Albrecht, Carsten An Adaptive System-on-Chip for Network Applications
Alegre, Fernando Compiler Assisted Dynamic Management of Registers for Network Processors
Al-hammouri, Ahmad T. Decentralized and Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation in Networked Control Systems
Ali, Mustafa Imran Evaluating Parallel Simulated Evolution Strategies for VLSI Cell Placement
Allam, A. Memory Minimization for Tensor Contractions using Integer Linear Programming
Almasi, Gheorghe Achieving Strong Scaling with NAMD on Blue Gene/L
Hierarchically Tiled Arrays for Parallelism and Locality
Almeida, Alessandro de Luna Plan-Based Replication for Fault-Tolerant Multi-Agent Systems
Alonso, Marina Dynamic Power Saving in Fat-Tree Interconnection Networks Using On/Off Links
Al-shaikh, Raed Towards Building a Highly-Available Cluster Based Model for High Performance Computing
Aluru, Srinivas Assembling Genomes on Large-Scale Parallel Computers
Alves, Mario GTS Allocation Analysis in IEEE 802.15.4 for Real-Time Wireless Sensor Networks
Alzeidi, N. Software-Based Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm in Multi-Demensional Networks
Alzeidi, Nasser On the Probability Distribution of Busy Virtual Channels
Amano, Hideharu A Cost-Effective Context Memory Structure for Dynamically Reconfigurable Processors
Performance and Power Analysis of Time-multiplexed Execution
on Dynamically Reconfigurable Processor
Amarasinghe, Saman MPEG-2 Decoding in a Stream Programming Language
Aminian, Mehdi Coordinated Checkpoint from Message Payload in Pessimistic Sender-Based Message Logging
Amorim, Claudio Luis De D1HT: A Distributed One Hop Hash Table
Anderson, James H. Flexible Tardiness Bounds for Sporadic Real-Time Task Systems on Multiprocessors
Andronikos, Theodore Dynamic Multi Phase Scheduling for Heterogeneous Clusters
Anglano, Cosimo Interceptor: Middleware-level Application Segregation and Scheduling for P2P Systems
Anker, Tal Wire-Speed Total Order
Antonio, John K. Dynamic Configuration Steering for a Reconfigurable Superscalar Processor
Selection of Instruction Set Extensions for an FPGA Embedded Processor Core
Antonopoulos, Christos D. Online Strategies for High-Performance Power-Aware Thread Execution on Emerging Multiprocessors
Araujo, Gen Huey Chenregina An Adaptive Dynamic Grid-based Approach to Data Distribution Management
Araujo, Guido Exploiting Dynamic Reconfiguration Techniques: The 2D-VLIW Approach
Arnold, Dorian C. Tree-based Overlay Networks for Scalable Applications
Arslan, Tughrul A Stochastic Multi-Objective Algorithm for the Design of High Performance Reconfigurable Architectures
Arteiro, Roberto D. Using Stochastic Petri Nets for Performance Modelling of Application Servers
Artemiou, Artemakis Towards a Universal Client for Grid Monitoring Systems: Design and Implementation of the Ovid Browser
Atchley, Scott MPI-IO/L: Efficient Remote I/O for MPI-IO via Logistical Networking
Auvinen, Annemari Chedar: Peer-to-Peer Middleware
Avresky, Dimiter R. Power Consumption Comparison for Regular Wireless Topologies using Fault-Tolerant Beacon Vector Routing
Ayguade, Eduard Techniques Supporting threadprivate in OpenMP
Azad, Hamid Sarbazi A Physical Particle and Plane Framework for Load Balancing in Multiprocessors
Azevedo, Rodolfo Exploiting Dynamic Reconfiguration Techniques: The 2D-VLIW Approach
Bader, David A. Performance Analysis of Parallel Programs via Message-passing Graph Traversal
Baggio, Aline Murphy Loves Potatoes: Experiences from a Pilot Sensor Network Deployment in Precision Agriculture
Bahi, Jacques Mohcine More on JACE: New Functionalities, New Experiments
Bai, Xin A Brokering Framework for Large-Scale Heterogeneous Systems
Baker, David Parallelization and Performance Characterization of Protein 3D Structure Prediction of Rosetta
Baker, Zachary K. Performance of FPGA Implementation of Bit-split Architecture for Intrusion Detection Systems
Bakiras, Spiridon Ad-hoc Distributed Spatial Joins on Mobile Devices
Balaji, P. Asynchronous Zero-copy Communication for Synchronous Sockets in the Sockets Direct Protocol (SDP) over InfiniBand
Designing Next Generation Data-Centers with Advanced
Communication Protocols and Systems Services
Balakrishnan, Raju Lossless Compression for Large Scale Cluster Logs
Balart, Jairo Techniques Supporting threadprivate in OpenMP
Bancel, Frederic Securing Embedded Programmable Gate Arrays in Secure Circuits
Banerjee, Amitabha RAPID: An End-System Aware Protocol for Intelligent Data Transfer over Lambda Grids
Banerjee, Somo Engineering Reliability into Hybrid Systems via Rich Design Models: Recent Results and Current Directions
Banicescu, Ioana Simulation of a Hybrid Model for Image Denoising
Baruah, Sanjoy K. Schedulability Analysis of Non-Preemptive Recurring Real-Time Tasks
Basten, Twan Run-Time Reconfiguration of Communication in SIMD Architectures
Basu, Samik Verification of Software via Integration of Design and Implementation
Baumgartner, G. Memory Minimization for Tensor Contractions using Integer Linear Programming
Beaumont, Olivier Centralized Versus Distributed Schedulers for Multiple bag-of-task applications
FIFO Scheduling of Divisible Loads with Return Messages under the One-port Model
Beauquier, Joffroy Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for 1-adaptivity
Becha, Hanane Optimal Map Contruction of an Unknown Torus
Beck, Micah MPI-IO/L: Efficient Remote I/O for MPI-IO via Logistical Networking
Becker, Jürgen Communication Concept for Adaptive Intelligent Run-Time Systems Supporting Distributed Reconfigurable Embedded Systems
Elementary Block Based 2-Dimensional Dynamic and Partial Reconfiguration for Virtex-II FPGAs
A High-level Target-precise Model for Designing Reconfigurable HW Tasks
Beckmann, Olav Automatically Translating a General Purpose C++ Image Processing Library for GPUs
Bell, Christian Optimizing Bandwidth Limited Problems Using One-Sided Communication and Overlap
Bellas, Nikolaos FPGA Implementation of a License Plate Recognition SoC using Automatically Generated Streaming Accelerators
Bellofatto, Ralph A Database-centric Approach to System Management in the Blue Gene/L Supercomputer
Bemmerl, Thomas Parallelisation of a Simulation Tool for Casting and Solidification Processes on Windows Platforms
Bengtsson, Jerker A Configurable Framework for Stream Programming Exploration in Baseband Applications
Benson, Edward Evaluation of UDDI as a Provider of Resource Discovery Services for OGSA-based Grids
Berenbrink, Petra A New Analytical Method for Parallel, Diffusion-type Load Balancing
Berjón, Daniel Schedulability Analysis of AR-TP, a Ravenscar Compliant Communication Protocol for High-Integrity Distributed Systems
Berten, Vandy A Probabilistic Approach for Fault Tolerant Multiprocessor Real-time Scheduling
Berthelot, Florent Partial and dynamic Reconfiguration of FPGAs : a top down design methodology for an automatic implementation
Bertossi, A.a. Skewed Allocation of Non-Uniform Data for Broadcasting over Multiple Channels
Bhagvat, S. Asynchronous Zero-copy Communication for Synchronous Sockets in the Sockets Direct Protocol (SDP) over InfiniBand
Bichot, Charles-edmond A Metaheurisitc Based on Fusion and Fission for Partitioning Problems
Bijlsma, Tjerk An Optimal Architecture for a DDC
Bikshandi, Ganesh Hierarchically Tiled Arrays for Parallelism and Locality
Biló, Vittorio On the Packing of Selfish Items
Bini, Enrico A Hierarchical Scheduling Model for Component-Based Real-Time Systems
Binzenhöfer, Andreas A Scalable Algorithm to Monitor Chord-based P2P Systems at Runtime
Birdwell, J. Doug Load Balancing in the Presence of Random Node Failure and Recovery
Bisseling, Rob H Parallel Hypergraph Partitioning for Scientific Computing
Blesa, Maria J. A Nature-inspired Algorithm for the Disjoint Paths Problem
Blum, Christian A Nature-inspired Algorithm for the Disjoint Paths Problem
Blume, Holger Design and Analysis of Matching Circuit Architectures for a Closest Match Lookup
Boangoat, Jarupan Real-Time Task Mapping and Scheduling for Collaborative In-Network Processing in DVS-Enabled Wireless Sensor Networks
Boden, Maik A High-level Target-precise Model for Designing Reconfigurable HW Tasks
Boku, Taisuke MegaProto/E: Power-Aware High-Performance Cluster with Commodity Technology
Boku, Taisuke Profile-based Optimization of Power Performance by using Dynamic Voltage Scaling on a PC cluster
Boloni, Ladislau A Brokering Framework for Large-Scale Heterogeneous Systems
Boman, Erik G Parallel Hypergraph Partitioning for Scientific Computing
Bonachea, Dan Optimizing Bandwidth Limited Problems Using One-Sided Communication and Overlap
Bondhugula, Uday Parallel FPGA-based All-Pairs Shortest-Paths in a Directed Graph
Borges, Geovany VoC: A Reconfigurable Matrix for Stereo Vision Processing
Bosque, Jose Luis Parallel Implementation of Evolutionary Strategies on Heterogeneous Clusters with Load Balancing
Bouguet, Jean-yves Detecting Phases in Parallel Applications on Shared Memory Architectures
Boukerche, Azzedine A Multiple Task Allocation Framework for Biological Sequence Comparison in a Grid Environment
An Adaptive Dynamic Grid-based Approach to Data Distribution Management
Towards Building a Highly-Available Cluster Based Model for High Performance Computing
Bourgeois, Anu Goel Simulating a PR-Mesh on an LARPBS
Bourgeois, Julien Simulating and Optimizing A Peer-to-Peer Computing Framework
Bouvry, Pascal A Nonself Space Approach to Network Anomaly Detection
Bouziane, Hinde Lilia Modeling and Executing Master-Worker applications
Boykin, P. Oscar IP over P2P: Enabling Self-configuring Virtual IP Networks for Grid Computing
Bozdağ, Doruk A Task Duplication Based Bottom-Up Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Environments
Bozorgzadeh, Elaheh Physically-aware Exploitation of Component Reuse in a Partially Reconfigurable Architecture
Bradley, Jeremy T. Performance Analysis of Stochastic Process Algebra Models using Stochastic Simulation
Brady, Thomas SmartNetSolve: High-Level Programming System for High Performance Grid Computing
Brandt, J. M. OVIS: A Tool for Intelligent, Real-time Monitoring of Computational Clusters
Branicky, Michael S. Decentralized and Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation in Networked Control Systems
Brecht, Tim Babylon v2.0:Middleware for Distributed, Parallel, and Mobile Java Applications
Exploiting Dynamic Proxies in Middleware for Distributed, Parallel, and Mobile Java Applications
Brent , R. P. Parallel Implementation of a Quartet-Based Algorithm for Phylogenetic Analysis
Breuer, Alex Effecting Parallel Graph Eigensolvers Through Library Composition
Bridges, Patrick G. Infiniband Scalability in Open MPI
Brightwell, Ron A Preliminary Analysis of the InfiniPath and XD1 Network Interfaces
Briot, Jean-Pierre Plan-Based Replication for Fault-Tolerant Multi-Agent Systems
Brizuela, Carlos Parallel Multiple Sequence Alignment with Local Phylogeny Search by Simulated Annealing
Brodie, Aharon Shubac: A Searchable P2P Network Utilizing Dynamic Paths for Client/Server Anonymity
Bronevetsky, Greg Recent Advances in Checkpoint/Recovery Systems
Brown, Angela Demke Making Lockless Synchronization Fast: Performance Implications of Memory Reclamation
Browne, James C. Unification of Verification and Validation Methods for Software Systems: Progress Report and Initial Case Study Formulation
Brzezinski, Jerzy Checkpointing and Rollback-Recovery Protocol for Mobile Systems with MW Session Guarantee
Bu, Dongbo Improving Locality of Nonserial Polyadic Dynamic Programming
Buckley, James Auto-Pipe and the X Language: A Pipeline Design Tool and Description Language
Buehrer, G. I/O Conscious Algorithm Design and Systems Support for Data Analysis on Emerging Architectures
Busch, Costas Concurrent Counting is Harder than Queuing
Caarls, Wouter Algorithmic Skeletons for Stream Programming in Embedded Heterogeneous Parallel Image Processing Applications
Calder, Brad Detecting Phases in Parallel Applications on Shared Memory Architectures
Callanan, Sean Compiler-Assisted Software Verification Using Plug-Ins
Canon, Louis-claude Wrekavoc: a Tool for Emulating Heterogeneity
Cao, Xiaolin Towards a Parallel Framework of Grid-based Numerical Algorithms on DAGs
Cardoso, Renato Barreto VoC: A Reconfigurable Matrix for Stereo Vision Processing
Carino, Ricolindo Simulation of a Hybrid Model for Image Denoising
Carro, Luigi Increasing Analog Programmability in SoCs
Reconfigurable Communications for Image Processing Applications
Reconfiguration of Embedded Java Applications
Carroll, Thomas E. A Strategy proof Mechanism for Scheduling Divisible Loads in Tree Networks
A Strategyproof Mechanism for Scheduling Divisible Loads in Bus Networks without Control Processors
Carter, John B. Program Phase Detection and Exploitation
Carter, Larry Centralized Versus Distributed Schedulers for Multiple bag-of-task applications
Carvalho, Milene Barbosa Dynamically Reconfigurable Cache Architecture Using Adaptive Block Allocation Policy
Casanova, Henri Using Virtual Grids to Simplify Application Scheduling
Catalyurek, Umit A Task Duplication Based Bottom-Up Scheduling Algorithm for Heterogeneous Environments
An Approach to Locality-Conscious Load Balancing and
Transparent Memory Hierarchy Management with a Global-Address-Space Parallel Programming Model
An Extensible Global Address Space Framework with Decoupled Task and Data Abstractions
Scheduling of Tasks with Batch-shared I/O on Heterogeneous Systems
Parallel Hypergraph Partitioning for Scientific Computing
Catthoor, Francky A Configuration Memory Hierarchy for Fast Reconfiguration with Reduced Energy Consumption Overhead
Chai, Lei Efficient SMP-Aware MPI-Level Broadcast over InfiniBand
Shared Receive Queue based Scalable MPI Design for InfiniBand Clusters
Chai, Sek FPGA Implementation of a License Plate Recognition SoC using Automatically Generated Streaming Accelerators
Chaichoompu, Kridsadakorn MT-ClustalW: Multithreading Multiple Sequence Alignment
Chakraborty, Samarjit Schedulability Analysis of Non-Preemptive Recurring Real-Time Tasks
Chamberlain, Bradford L. Iterators in Chapel
Chamberlain, Roger D. Automatic Application-Specific Microarchitecture Reconfiguration
Improving Cluster Utilization through Intelligent Processor Sharing
Vision for Liquid Architecture
Chame, Jacqueline An overview of the ECO Project
Chandra, Sumir Dynamic Structured Partitioning for Parallel Scientific Applications with Pointwise Varying Workloads
Chandu, Vaddadi P. Performance Analysis of Parallel Programs via Message-passing Graph Traversal
Chang, Gerard J. Node-Disjoint Paths in Hierarchical Hypercube Networks
Chase, J. Virtual Playgrounds: Managing Virtual Resources in the Grid
Chaves, Ricardo Reconfigurable Memory Based AES Co-Processor
Chen, Chun An overview of the ECO Project
Chen, Dehao Tree Partition based Parallel Frequent Pattern mining on Shared Memory Systems
Chen, Fei A Study of the On-Chip Interconnection Network for the IBM Cyclops64 Multi-Core Architecture
Chen, Gen Huey Node-Disjoint Paths in Hierarchical Hypercube Networks
Chen, Guilin Integrated Link/CPU Voltage Scaling for Reducing Energy Consumption of Parallel Sparse Matrix Applications
Chen, Kang Speeding up NGB with Distributed File Streaming Framework
Chen, Liang Supporting Self-Adaptation in Streaming Data Mining Applications
Chen, Wenguang Parallel implementation and performance characterization of MUSCLE
Parallelization of Module Network Structure Learning and Performance Tuning on SMP
Tree Partition based Parallel Frequent Pattern mining on Shared Memory Systems
Chen, Yen-kuang Coterminous Locality and Coterminous Group Data Prefetching on Chip-Multiprocessors
Chen, Yurong Parallelization of Module Network Structure Learning and Performance Tuning on SMP
Parallelization and Performance Characterization of Protein 3D Structure Prediction of Rosetta
Chen, Zizhong Algorithm-Based Checkpoint-Free Fault Tolerance for Parallel Matrix Computations on Volatile Resources
Cheon, Yoonsik Unification of Verification and Validation Methods for Software Systems: Progress Report and Initial Case Study Formulation
Chernikov, Andrey Effective Out-of-Core Parallel Delaunay Mesh Refinement using Off-the-Shelf Software
Cheung, Benny Wang-leung A Segment-Based DSM Supporting Large Shared Object Space
Cheung, Leslie Engineering Reliability into Hybrid Systems via Rich Design Models: Recent Results and Current Directions
Chiasserini, Carla-fabiana Efficient Broadcasting of Safety Messages in Multihop Vehicular Networks
Chiasson, John Load Balancing in the Presence of Random Node Failure and Recovery
Chien, Andrew A. Using Virtual Grids to Simplify Application Scheduling
Childers, Bruce R. Techniques and Tools for Dynamic Optimization
Ching, Avery Evaluating I/O Characteristics and Methods for Storing Structured Scientific Data
Chiola, Giovanni Optimizing the Finger Table in Chord-like DHTs
Cho, Yen-yu Parallel Genetic Algorithm for SPICE Model Parameter Extraction
Cho, Young H. Reconfigurable Context-Free Grammar Based Data Processing Hardware with Error Recovery
Choudhary, Alok Evaluating I/O Characteristics and Methods for Storing Structured Scientific Data
Chrisochoides, Nikos Effective Out-of-Core Parallel Delaunay Mesh Refinement using Off-the-Shelf Software
Chronopoulos, Anthony T. Cooperative Load Balancing for a Network of Heterogeneous Computers
Dynamic Multi Phase Scheduling for Heterogeneous Clusters
Price-based User-optimal Job Allocation Scheme for Grid Systems
Chrysanthis, Panos K. Similarity-Aware Query Processing in Sensor Networks
Chu, D. Parallel Implementation of a Quartet-Based Algorithm for Phylogenetic Analysis
Chu, Rui A Distributed Paging RAM Grid System for Wide-Area Memory Sharing
Chuah, Mooi Choo Network Intrusion Detection with Semantics-Aware Capability
Chung, I-hsin A Study of MPI Performance Analysis Tools on Blue Gene/L
Chung, Ming-ying A Dynamic Firing Speculation to Speedup Distributed Symbolic State-space Generation
Ciardo, Gianfranco A Dynamic Firing Speculation to Speedup Distributed Symbolic State-space Generation
Ciciani, Bruno A Simulation Study of the Effects of Multi-path Approaches in e-Commerce Applications
Ciglaric, Mojca A Framework for Developing Distributed Location Based Applications
Ant-inspired Query Routing Performance in Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Networks
Ciorba, Florina Monica Dynamic Multi Phase Scheduling for Heterogeneous Clusters
Ciotti, Robert Interconnect Performance Evaluation of SGI Altix 3700 BX2, Cray X1, Cray Opteron Cluster, and Dell PowerEdge
Performance Evaluation of Supercomputers using HPCC and IMB Benchmarks
Ciriello, Giovanni Application Re-Structuring and Data Management on a GRID Environment: a Case Study for Bioinformatics
Clément, Saad A Distributed Method for Dynamic Resolution of BGP Oscillations
Claßen, Michael Automatic Code Generation for Distributed Memory Architectures in the Polytope Model
Clarke, Duncan Schedulability Analysis of AADL Models
Clauss, Carsten Parallelisation of a Simulation Tool for Casting and Solidification Processes on Windows Platforms
Coddington, Paul Comparison of MPI Benchmark Programs on an SGI Altix ccNUMA Shared Memory Machine
Coll, Salvador Dynamic Power Saving in Fat-Tree Interconnection Networks Using On/Off Links
Collins, Ryan Compiler Assisted Dynamic Management of Registers for Network Processors
Comin, Matteo Application Re-Structuring and Data Management on a GRID Environment: a Case Study for Bioinformatics
Cordasco, Gennaro Optimizing the Finger Table in Chord-like DHTs
Cores, Fernando DVoDP2P: Distributed P2P Assisted Multicast VoD Architecture
Cornwall, Jay L. T. Automatically Translating a General Purpose C++ Image Processing Library for GPUs
Corporaal, Henk Algorithmic Skeletons for Stream Programming in Embedded Heterogeneous Parallel Image Processing Applications
Run-Time Reconfiguration of Communication in SIMD Architectures
Cotronis, Yannis Execution and Composition of E-Science Applications using the WS-Resource Construct
Coyle, Shirley Distributed Monte Carlo Simulation of Light Transportation in Tissue
Crawford, Catherine H. Resource Management with Stateful Support for Analytic Applications
Crowley, Patrick Auto-Pipe and the X Language: A Pipeline Design Tool and Description Language
Crumley, Paul G. A Database-centric Approach to System Management in the Blue Gene/L Supercomputer
Curescu, Calin Comparative Study of Price-based Resource Allocation Algorithms for Ad Hoc Networks
Curtis-maury, Matthew Online Strategies for High-Performance Power-Aware Thread Execution on Emerging Multiprocessors
Cytron, Ron K. Automatic Application-Specific Microarchitecture Reconfiguration
Vision for Liquid Architecture