Ueberholz, Peer A Job Monitoring System for the LCG Computing Grid
Uhrig, Sascha Coupling of a Reconfigurable Architecture and a Multithreaded Processor Core with Integrated Real-Time
Uht, Augustus K. Quantifying and Reducing the Effects of Wrong-Path Memory References in Cache-Coherent Multiprocessor Systems
Ullmann, Michael Communication Concept for Adaptive Intelligent Run-Time Systems Supporting Distributed Reconfigurable Embedded Systems
Underwood, Keith D. A Preliminary Analysis of the InfiniPath and XD1 Network Interfaces
Ungerer, Theo Coupling of a Reconfigurable Architecture and a Multithreaded Processor Core with Integrated Real-Time
Unsal, Osman S. Empowering a Helper Cluster through Data-Width Aware Instruction Selection Policies
Upegui, Andres On-chip and On-line Self-Reconfigurable Adaptable Platform: the Non-Uniform Cellular Automata Case
Urueña, Santiago Schedulability Analysis of AR-TP, a Ravenscar Compliant Communication Protocol for High-Integrity Distributed Systems
Usenko, Yaroslav S. Time Abstraction in Timed µCRL à la Regions
Vadhiyar, Sathish Application-Oriented Adaptive MPIBcast for Grids
Vaidyanathan, K. Designing Next Generation Data-Centers with Advanced Communication Protocols and Systems Services
Valencia, David High-Performance Computing in Remotely Sensed Hyperspectral Imaging: The Pixel Purity Index Algorithm as a Case Study
Valette, Nicolas Securing Embedded Programmable Gate Arrays in Secure Circuits
Valls, Magda Parallel Calculation of Volcanoes for Cryptographic Uses
Vandal, Paul Model-driven Generative Techniques for Scalable Performability Analysis of Distributed Systems
Performance Analysis of the Reactor Pattern in Network Services
Vapa, Mikko Chedar: Peer-to-Peer Middleware
Vardhan, Abhay Decentralized Runtime Analysis of Multithreaded Applications
Varshney, Amitabh An Efficient and Scalable Parallel Algorithm for Out-of-Core Isosurface Extraction and Rendering
Vassiliadis, Nikolaos An Automated Development Framework for a RISC Processor with Reconfigurable Instruction Set Extensions
Vassiliadis, Stamatis Analysis of a Reconfigurable Network Processor
Reconfigurable Memory Based AES Co-Processor
Vauchelles, Fabien Fault Injection in Distributed Java Applications
Vaughan, Francis Comparison of MPI Benchmark Programs on an SGI Altix ccNUMA Shared Memory Machine
Veale, Brian F. Dynamic Configuration Steering for a Reconfigurable Superscalar Processor
Selection of Instruction Set Extensions for an FPGA Embedded Processor Core
Vera, Xavier Empowering a Helper Cluster through Data-Width Aware Instruction Selection Policies
Verbeke, Jérome Simulating and Optimizing A Peer-to-Peer Computing Framework
Verdegay, José L. A Proposal of Metaheuristics Based in the Cooperation between Operators in Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Verhoef, Marcel Timed Automata Based Analysis of Embedded System Architectures
Vetter, Jeffrey S A Framework to Develop Symbolic Performance Models of Parallel Applications
Early Evaluation of the Cray XT3
Videau, Brice A Tool for Environment Deployment in Clusters and light Grids
Vidmar, Tone Ant-inspired Query Routing Performance in Dynamic Peer-to-Peer Networks
Visser, Otto Murphy Loves Potatoes: Experiences from a Pilot Sensor Network Deployment in Precision Agriculture
Visweswaran, G.s Battery Aware Dynamic Scheduling for Periodic Task Graphs
Vitek, Jan Dynamic Aspects for Runtime Fault Determination and Recovery
Vivien, Frédéric The Impact of Heterogeneity on Master-slave On-line Scheduling
Vong, Edith Using SCTP to Hide Latency in MPI Programs
Voss, Gerrit Bio-Sequence Database Scanning on a GPU
Voss, Kerstin Oblivious Parallel Probabilistic Channel Utilization without Control Channels
Vu, Hai T The Interleaved Authentication for Filtering False Reports in Multipath Routing based Sensor Networks
Vuduc, Richard Annotating User-Defined Abstractions for Optimization
Vuori, Jarkko Chedar: Peer-to-Peer Middleware
Vydyanathan, Nagavijayalakshmi Scheduling of Tasks with Batch-shared I/O on Heterogeneous Systems
Wagner, Alan Towards MPI progression layer elimination with TCP and SCTP
Using SCTP to Hide Latency in MPI Programs
Wagner, Flávio Rech Reconfiguration of Embedded Java Applications
Wagner, Stefan Advances in Applying Genetic Programming to Machine Learning, Focussing on Classification Problems
Walkup, Robert E. A Study of MPI Performance Analysis Tools on Blue Gene/L
Wan, Tao Analysis of BGP Prefix Origins During Google's May 2005 Outage
Wang, C. Parallel Implementation of a Quartet-Based Algorithm for Phylogenetic Analysis
Wang, Chao Fault and Intrusion Tolerance of Wireless Sensor Networks
Wang, Cho-li A Segment-Based DSM Supporting Large Shared Object Space
Wang, Hai-chen Exploiting Dataflow to Extract Java Instruction Level Parallelism on a Tag-based Multi-Issue Semi In-Order (TMSI) Processor
Wang, I-jeng A Brokering Framework for Large-Scale Heterogeneous Systems
Plan Switching: An Approach to Plan Execution in Changing Environments
Wang, Liang-min Fault and Intrusion Tolerance of Wireless Sensor Networks
Wang, P. Parallel Implementation of a Quartet-Based Algorithm for Phylogenetic Analysis
Wang, Qin An Efficient and Scalable Parallel Algorithm for Out-of-Core Isosurface Extraction and Rendering
Wang, Tao Parallelization and Performance Characterization of Protein 3D Structure Prediction of Rosetta
Performance Analysis of Java Concurrent Programming: A Case Study of Video Mining System
Wang, Wenyu Improving Cooperation in Peer-to-Peer Systems Using Social Networks
Wang, Yuanyuan A Correctness Proof of the SRP Protocol
Ward, Lee Evaluating I/O Characteristics and Methods for Storing Structured Scientific Data
Ward, Tomas Distributed Monte Carlo Simulation of Light Transportation in Tissue
Wasson, Glenn Evaluation of UDDI as a Provider of Resource Discovery Services for OGSA-based Grids
Watanabe, Minoru An Optically Differential Reconfigurable Gate Array with a Holographic Memory
Power Consumption Advantage of a Dynamic Optically Reconfigurable Gate Array
Wattenhofer, Roger Algorithmic Models for Sensor Networks
Weber, Matthieu Chedar: Peer-to-Peer Middleware
Wei, Huang Easy and Reliable Cluster Management: The Self-management Experience of Fire Phoenix
Wen, Gao A Proactive Fault-detection Mechanism in Large-scale Cluster Systems
Wen, Hui-fang A Study of MPI Performance Analysis Tools on Blue Gene/L
Wendykier, Piotr Integrating Heterogeneous Information Services Using JNDI
Wenisch, Thomas F. Statistical Sampling of Microarchitecture Simulation
Wigley, Grant ReConfigME: A Detailed Implementation of an Operating System for Reconfigurable Computing
Wijshoff, Harry A. G. On the Impact of Data Input Sets on Statistical Compiler Tuning
Williams, Neil Simulation of a Hybrid Model for Image Denoising
Williams, Tiffani L. Phylospaces: Reconstructing Evolutionary Trees in Tuple Space
Wilms , Christian Privacy-aware Presence Management in Instant Messaging Systems
Winkler, Stephan Advances in Applying Genetic Programming to Machine Learning, Focussing on Classification Problems
Winslett, Marianne Bitmap Indexes for Large Scientific Data Sets: A Case Study
Wirtz, Guido Privacy-aware Presence Management in Instant Messaging Systems
Wohlfeld, Andreas Web Server Protection by Customized Instruction Set
Wojciechowski, Pawel T. Structural and Algorithmic Issues of Dynamic Protocol Update
Wolf, Felix A Systematic Multi-step Methodology for Performance Analysis of Communication Traces of Distributed Applications based on
Hierarchical Clustering
Wolkotte, Pascal T. An Optimal Architecture for a DDC
Wong, Siman An Authentication Protocol in Web-computing
Woodall, Tim S. Infiniband Scalability in Open MPI
Worley , Patrick H. Early Evaluation of the Cray XT3
Wu, Annie S. Plan Switching: An Approach to Plan Execution in Changing Environments
Wu, Bing k-anycast Routing Schemes for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Wu, Di Accelerating CABAC Encoding for Multi-standard Media with Configurability
Wu, Haiping A Study of the On-Chip Interconnection Network for the IBM Cyclops64 Multi-Core Architecture
Wu, Jie k-anycast Routing Schemes for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
Wu, Ming The GHS Grid Scheduling System: Implementation and Performance Comparison
Wu, Ruei Yu Node-Disjoint Paths in Hierarchical Hypercube Networks
Wu, Zhaohui A Dependable Infrastructure of the Electric Network for E-textiles
Wunderlich, Roland E. Statistical Sampling of Microarchitecture Simulation
Wyckoff, Pete iWarp Protocol Kernel Space Software Implementation
Wyckoff, Pete Parallel FPGA-based All-Pairs Shortest-Paths in a Directed Graph
Xi, Yong Preserving Source Location Privacy in Monitoring-Based Wireless Sensor Networks
Xia, Ping Similarity-Aware Query Processing in Sensor Networks
Xiao, Bin Detecting Selective Forwarding Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks
Xiao, Li A Design of Overlay Anonymous Multicast Protocol
Xiao, Nong A Distributed Paging RAM Grid System for Wide-Area Memory Sharing
Xu, Cheng-zhong Hash-based Proximity Clustering for Load Balancing in Heterogeneous DHT Networks
Shubac: A Searchable P2P Network Utilizing Dynamic Paths for Client/Server Anonymity
Xu, Dongyan Executing MPI Programs on Virtual Machines in an Internet Sharing System
Xu, Lin A Method to Improve Structural Modeling Based on Conserved Domain Clusters
An Experimental Study of Optimizing Bioinformatics Applications
Xu, Zhenyu Self-Stabilizing Distributed Algorithms for Graph Alliances
Xuan, Dong A Design of Overlay Anonymous Multicast Protocol
Yamagishi, Youhei Efficient Hardware Algorithms for N Choose K Counters
Yamamoto, Yusaku Efficient Parallel Implementation of a Weather Derivatives Pricing Algorithm based on the Fast Gauss Transform
Yan, Ting An Overview of Data Aggregation Architecture for Real-Time Tracking with Sensor Networks
Yang, Huabing A Correctness Proof of the SRP Protocol
Yang, Jun The Interleaved Authentication for Filtering False Reports in Multipath Routing based Sensor Networks
Yang, Xiaoyuan DVoDP2P: Distributed P2P Assisted Multicast VoD Architecture
Yang, Yuanyuan Battery-Aware Router Scheduling in Wireless Mesh Networks
Enhancing Downlink Performance in Wireless Networks by Simultaneous Multiple Packet Transmission
Yang, Zhen Coterminous Locality and Coterminous Group Data Prefetching on Chip-Multiprocessors
Yannakakis, Mihalis A Note on Broadcast Encryption Key Management with Applications to Large Scale Emergency Alert Systems
Yarmolenko, Viktor An Evaluation of Heuristics for SLA Based Parallel Job Scheduling
Yau, Siu-man Sim-X: Parallel System Software for Interactive Multi-Experiment Computational Studies
Yelick, Katherine Optimizing Bandwidth Limited Problems Using One-Sided Communication and Overlap
Yi, Joshua J. Quantifying and Reducing the Effects of Wrong-Path Memory References in Cache-Coherent Multiprocessor Systems
Yi, Qing Annotating User-Defined Abstractions for Optimization
Yilmazer, Ayse Quantifying and Reducing the Effects of Wrong-Path Memory References in Cache-Coherent Multiprocessor Systems
Yingchao, Zhou Dual-Layered File Cache On cc-NUMA System
Yu, Bo Detecting Selective Forwarding Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks
Yu, Han Plan Switching: An Approach to Plan Execution in Changing Environments
Yu, Hao A Study of MPI Performance Analysis Tools on Blue Gene/L
Yu, Weikuan Adaptive Connection Management for Scalable MPI over InfiniBand
Benefits of High Speed Interconnects to Cluster File Systems: A Case Study with Lustre
Yuan, Bo A Method to Improve Structural Modeling Based on Conserved Domain Clusters
Yuan, Ruixi Improving Cooperation in Peer-to-Peer Systems Using Social Networks
Yuan, Xin Pipelined Broadcast on Ethernet Switched Clusters
Yuen, Chung-kwong Exploiting Dataflow to Extract Java Instruction Level Parallelism on a Tag-based Multi-Issue Semi In-Order (TMSI) Processor
Zachmann, Gabriel GPU-ABiSort: Optimal Parallel Sorting on Stream Architectures
Zadok, Erez Compiler-Assisted Software Verification Using Plug-Ins
Zaidi, Ali Mustafa Evaluating Parallel Simulated Evolution Strategies for VLSI Cell Placement
Zamani, Morteza Saheb Reducing Reconfiguration Time of Reconfigurable Computing Systems in Integrated Temporal Partitioning and Physical
Design Framework
Zamorano, Juan Schedulability Analysis of AR-TP, a Ravenscar Compliant Communication Protocol for High-Integrity Distributed Systems
Zangrilli, Marcia Free Network Measurement For Adaptive Virtualized Distributed Computing
Zeeb, Elmar A Distributed Object System Approach for Dynamic Reconfiguration
Zeffer, Håkan Exploiting Locality: A Flexible DSM Approach
Zekri, Ahmed Sherif The General Matrix Multiply-Add Operation on 2D Torus
Zemmari, Akka Fast Distributed Graph Partition and Application (Extended Abstract)
Zepeda, Josá Alberto Fernández Simulating a PR-Mesh on an LARPBS
Zhang, Aiqing Towards a Parallel Framework of Grid-based Numerical Algorithms on DAGs
Zhang, Chao A Portable Real-time Emulator for Testing Multi-Radio MANETs
Zhang, Fa A Method to Improve Structural Modeling Based on Conserved Domain Clusters
Zhang, Jian Application Classification through Monitoring and Learning of Resource Consumption Patterns
Zhang, Li Enabling Efficient and Flexible Coupling of Parallel Scientific Applications
Zhang, Weizhe Multisite Co-allocation Algorithms for Computational Grid
Zhang, Xi Design and Analysis of a Multi-dimensional Data Sampling Service for Large Scale Data Analysis Applications
I/O Conscious Algorithm Design and Systems Support for Data Analysis on Emerging Architectures
Zhang, Xingyuan A Correctness Proof of the SRP Protocol
Zhang, Yimin Parallelization and Performance Characterization of Protein 3D Structure Prediction of Rosetta
Tree Partition based Parallel Frequent Pattern mining on Shared Memory Systems
Zhang, Ying Ping A Study of the On-Chip Interconnection Network for the IBM Cyclops64 Multi-Core Architecture
Zhang, Youtao The Interleaved Authentication for Filtering False Reports in Multipath Routing based Sensor Networks
Zhang, Zhang A Performance Model for Fine-Grain Accesses in UPC
Zhang, Zhenghao Battery-Aware Router Scheduling in Wireless Mesh Networks
Enhancing Downlink Performance in Wireless Networks by Simultaneous Multiple Packet Transmission
Zhang , Jing Model-driven Generative Techniques for Scalable Performability Analysis of Distributed Systems
Zhang , Yimin Parallelization of Module Network Structure Learning and Performance Tuning on SMP
Zhao, Henan Scheduling Multiple DAGs onto Heterogeneous Systems
Zhao, Li Improving Cooperation in Peer-to-Peer Systems Using Social Networks
Zhao, Min Techniques and Tools for Dynamic Optimization
Zhao, Minde A Dependable Infrastructure of the Electric Network for E-textiles
Zheng, Nenggan A Dependable Infrastructure of the Electric Network for E-textiles
Zheng, Weimin Parallelization of Module Network Structure Learning and Performance Tuning on SMP
Tree Partition based Parallel Frequent Pattern mining on Shared Memory Systems
Zhi-hong, Zhang Easy and Reliable Cluster Management: The Self-management Experience of Fire Phoenix
Zhou, B. B. Parallel Implementation of a Quartet-Based Algorithm for Phylogenetic Analysis
Zhou, Dayi WaveGrid: a Scalable Fast-turnaround Heterogeneous Peer-based Desktop Grid System
Zhou, R. Parallel Implementation of the Replica Exchange Molecular Dynamics Algorithm on Blue Gene/L
Zhou, Runfang Trust Overlay Networks for Global Reputation Aggregation in P2P Grid Computing
Zhou, Shukang Techniques and Tools for Dynamic Optimization
Zhou, Suiping Efficient Client-to-Server Assignments for Distributed Virtual Environments
Zhu, Weirong Hierarchical Multithreading: Programming Model and System Software
Zhuang, Xiaotong Compiler Assisted Dynamic Management of Registers for Network Processors
Zhuang, Yongzhen A Distributed Paging RAM Grid System for Wide-Area Memory Sharing
Zimeo, Eugenio An Economy-driven Mapping Heuristic for Hierarchical Master-Slave Applications in Grid Systems
Workflow Fine-grained Concurrency with Automatic Continuation
Znati, Taieb Honeypot Back-propagation for Mitigating Spoofing Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks
Zola, Jaroslaw Parallel Multiple Sequence Alignment with Local Phylogeny Search by Simulated Annealing
Zomaya, A. Y. Parallel Implementation of a Quartet-Based Algorithm for Phylogenetic Analysis
Zomaya, Albert Y. A Combined Genetic-Neural Algorithm for Mobility Management
Zorin, Denis Sim-X: Parallel System Software for Interactive Multi-Experiment Computational Studies