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Technical Committee on
Parallel Processing





Author Index









































Iancu, Costin
Scientific Application Performance on Candidate PetaScale Platforms
Ihrig, Colin J.
Pipelining Tradeoffs of Massively Parallel SuperCISC Hardware Functions
Ikeda, Yoshimichi
A High Performance Cluster System Design by Adaptive Power Control
Ipek, Engin
A Reconfigurable Chip Multiprocessor Architecture to Accommodate Software Diversity
Irwin, Mary Jane
Link Shutdown Opportunities During Collective Communications in 3-D Torus Nets
Load Miss Prediction - Exploiting Power Performance Trade-offs
Memory Optimizations For Fast Power-Aware Sparse Computations
Isaila, Florin
Optimization and evaluation of parallel I/O in BIPS3D parallel irregular application
Ishikawa, Yutaka
Single IP Address Cluster for Internet Servers
Islam, A.K.M. Muzahidul
Novel Broadcast/Multicast Protocols for Dynamic Sensor Networks
Ito, Yasuaki
Cluster-dot Screening by Local Exhaustive Search with Hardware Accelaration
Izaguirre, Jesus
Biomolecular Path Sampling Enabled by Processing in Network Storage
Izumi, Masaaki
OS Mechanism for Continuation-based Fine-grained Threads on Dedicated and Commodity Processors
Jacob, Arpith C.
Preliminary results in accelerating profile HMM search on FPGAs
Jacobi, Ricardo P.
Reconfigurable Architecture for Biological Sequence Comparison in Reduced Memory Space Reduced Memory Space
Jagannathan, Suresh
Weaving Atomicity Through Dynamic Dependence Tracking
Jamali, Nadeem
Reifying Control of Multi-Owned Network Resources
Jan, Mathieu
Performance scalability of the JXTA P2P framework
Janovy, David
Measuring the Robustness of Resource Allocations in a Stochastic Dynamic Environment
Janovy, David
Models and Heuristics for Robust Resource Allocation in Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems
Jarvis, Stephen A.
Distributed Broadcast Scheduling in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Unknown Topologies
Predicting the Effect on Performance of Container-Managed Persistence in a Distributed Enterprise Application
Jeffery, Clinton L.
A Portable Framework for High-Speed Parallel Producer/Consumers on Real CMP, SMT and SMP Architectures
Jendrsczok, Johannes
Implementing Hirschberg's PRAM-Algorithm for Connected Components on a Global Cellular Automaton
Jenks, Stephen
Architectural Considerations for Efficient Software Execution on Parallel Microprocessors
The TMO Scheme for Wide-Area Distributed Real-Time Computing
Ji, L.
Data-Driven Time-Parallelization in the AFM Simulation of Proteins
Jiang, Qiangfeng
An optimistic checkpointing and selective message logging approach for consistent global checkpoint collection in distributed systems
Jiang, Yingtao
A Combinatorial Analysis of Distance Reliability in Star Network
Jiang, Yuquan
Replication Strategy in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Systems
Jiang, Zhen
On Achieving the Shortest-Path Routing in 2-D Meshes
Jin, Mingxian
On the Power of the Multiple Associative Computing (MASC) Model Related to That of Reconfigurable Bus-Based Models
Jin, Xiaolong
Loss Probability of LRD and SRD Traffic in Generalized Processor Sharing Systems
Jing, Hsu Wen
Provably Efficient Online Non-clairvoyant Adaptive Scheduling
Jitsumoto, Hideyuki
ABARIS: An Adaptable Fault Detection/Recovery Component Framework for MPIs
Johnson, Jeremy
Performance Analysis of a Family of WHT Algorithms
Johnson, Kyle L.
RNAVLab: A unified environment for computational RNA structure analysis based on grid computing technology
Jones, Alex K.
Interconnect Customization for a Coarse-grained Reconfigurable Fabric
Linking Compilation and Visualization for Massively Parallel Programs
Pipelining Tradeoffs of Massively Parallel SuperCISC Hardware Functions
Jones, Derek T.
A Portable Framework for High-Speed Parallel Producer/Consumers on Real CMP, SMT and SMP Architectures
Kacsuk, Péter
SZTAKI Desktop Grid: a Modular and Scalable Way of Building Large Computing Grids
Kahan, Simon
Software and Algorithms for Graph Queries on Multithreaded Architectures
Kakugawa, Hirotsugu
A Self-Stabilizing Distributed Approximation Algorithm for the Minimum Connected Dominating Set
Kale, Laxmikant V.
A Fault Tolerance Protocol with Fast Fault Recovery
Kale, Laxmikant V.
Optimizing Distributed Application Performance Using Dynamic Grid Topology-Aware Load Balancing
Kalogeraki, Vana
Distributed, Reliable Restoration Techniques using Wireless Sensor Devices
RASC: Dynamic Rate Allocation for Distributed Stream Processing Applications
Kamei, Sayaka
A Self-Stabilizing Distributed Approximation Algorithm for the Minimum Connected Dominating Set
Kamil, Shoaib
Scientific Application Performance on Candidate PetaScale Platforms
Kaminsky, Alan
Parallel Java: A Unified API for Shared Memory and Cluster Parallel Programming in 100% Java
Kamthe, Ankur
Stochastic Approach to Scheduling Multiple Divisible Tasks on a Heterogeneous Distributed Computing System
Kanade, Varun
SWARM: A Parallel Programming Framework for Multicore Processors
Kandemir, Mahmut
Improving MPI Independent Write Performance Using A Two-Stage Write-Behind Buffering Method
Kang, Dong-in
Evaluation of Stream Virtual Machine on Raw Processor
Kang, Pilsung
The Adaptive Code Kitchen: Flexible Tools for Dynamic Application Composition
Kanitkar, Yogesh
A Model-Driven Approach to Job/Task Composition in Cluster Computing
Kaplarevic, Mihailo
Automatic Program Segment Similarity Detection in Targeted Program Performance Improvement
Karakasis, Vasileios
Coarse-grain Parallel Execution for 2-dimensional PDE Problems
Karamcheti, Vijay
SimX meets SCIRun: A Component-based Implementation of a Computational Study System
Karavanic, Karen L.
Detecting Runtime Environment Interference with Parallel Application Behavior
Karlsson, Martin
Conserving Memory Bandwidth in Chip Multiprocessors with Runahead Execution
Karlsson, Sven
MultiEdge: An Edge-based Communication Subsystem for Scalable Commodity Servers
Karonis, Nicholas T.
Implementation of Distributed Loop Scheduling Schemes on the TeraGrid
Karypis, George
A Multi-Level Parallel Implementation of a Program for Finding Frequent Patterns in a Large Sparse Graph
Kashyap, Amit
A Heterogeneous Lightweight Multithreaded Architecture
Katangur, Ajay K
Message Routing and Scheduling in Optical Multistage Networks using Bayesian Inference method on AI algorithms
Protein Secondary Structure Prediction using Bayesian Inference method on Decision fusion algorithms
Katta, Akshay
Storage Optimization for Large-Scale Distributed Stream Processing Systems
Kaul, Dimple
Model-Driven Performance Analysis Methodology for Distributed Software Systems
Kayi, Abdullah
Experimental Evaluation of Emerging Multi-core Architectures
Keckler, Stephen W.
Power, Performance, and Thermal Management for High-Performance Systems
Keleher, Peter
Creating a Robust Desktop Grid using Peer-to-Peer Services
Keller, Jörg
Implementing Hirschberg's PRAM-Algorithm for Connected Components on a Global Cellular Automaton
Kendall, Ricky A.
Integrating Performance Tools with Large-Scale Scientific Software
Keren, Daniel
Aggregate Threshold Queries in Sensor Networks
Kermarrec, Anne-marie
VoroNet: A scalable object network based on Voronoi tessellations
Kerstens, Andre
Moving Volunteer Computing towards Knowledge-Constructed, Dynamically-Adaptive Modeling and Scheduling
Keselj, Vlado
Shrack: Description and Performance Evaluation of a Peer-to-Peer System for Document Sharing and Tracking using Pull-Only Information Dissemination
Kettelhoit, Boris
Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration in a Multi-FPGA Clustered Architecture Based on Linux
Kettimuthu, Rajkumar
GridCopy: Moving Data Fast on the Grid
Khakpour, Amir R.
ESSTCP: Enhanced Spread-Spectrum tcp
Khan, Samee
Autonomic Power and Performance Management for Large Scale Data Centers
Khan, Samee Ullah
A Semi-Distributed Axiomatic Game Theoretical Mechanism for Replicating Data Objects in Large Distributed Computing Systems
Khargharia, Bithika
Autonomic Power and Performance Management for Large Scale Data Centers
Khonsari, Ahmad
Evaluating the Performance of Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Routing
Kim, DaeGon
Scheduling in the Z-Polyhedral Model
Kim, Jik-soo
Creating a Robust Desktop Grid using Peer-to-Peer Services
Kim, Jinoh
NGS: Service Adaptation in Open Grid Platforms
Kim, K. H.
The TMO Scheme for Wide-Area Distributed Real-Time Computing
Kim, Seongbeom
Supporting Quality of Service in High-Performance Servers
Kintali, Shiva
Model-Guided Empirical Optimization for Multimedia Extension Architectures: A Case Study
Kirby, Robert M.
Formal Analysis for Debugging and Performance Optimization of MPI
Kirman, Meyrem
A Reconfigurable Chip Multiprocessor Architecture to Accommodate Software Diversity
Kirman, Nevin
A Reconfigurable Chip Multiprocessor Architecture to Accommodate Software Diversity
Kiss, Tamás
SZTAKI Desktop Grid: a Modular and Scalable Way of Building Large Computing Grids
Kistler, Mike
Exploring the Viability of Cell Broadband Engine for Bioinformatics Applications
Kistler, Mike
Multicore Surprises: Lessons Learned from Optimizing Sweep3D on the Cell Broadband Engine
Klefstad, Raymond
A Survey of Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis for Real-Time Java
Toward a Unified Standard for Worst-Case Execution Time Annotations in Real-Time Java
Klopotek, Mieczyslaw A.
Evolution of Strategy Driven Behavior in Ad Hoc Networks Using a Genetic Algorithm
Knapp, Rashawn L.
Detecting Runtime Environment Interference with Parallel Application Behavior
Kobayashi, Fuminori
A multi-context holographic memory recording system for Optically Reconfigurable Gate Arrays
Koch, Roman
Communication Architectures for Dynamically Reconfigurable FPGA Designs
Kodi, Avinash Karanth
Power-Aware Bandwidth-Reconfigurable Optical Interconnects for High-Performance Computing (HPC) Systems
Koenig, Gregory A.
Optimizing Distributed Application Performance Using Dynamic Grid Topology-Aware Load Balancing
Koester, Markus
Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration in a Multi-FPGA Clustered Architecture Based on Linux
Kogekar, Arundhati
Model-Driven Performance Analysis Methodology for Distributed Software Systems
Kogge, Peter
A Heterogeneous Lightweight Multithreaded Architecture
Koibuchi, Michihiro
Performance, Cost, and Energy Evaluation of Fat H-Tree: A Cost-Efficient Tree-Based On-Chip Network
Kondo, Masaaki
A High Performance Cluster System Design by Adaptive Power Control
Konecny, Petr
Software and Algorithms for Graph Queries on Multithreaded Architectures
Kordon, Fabrice
libDMC: a Library to Operate Efficient Distributed Model Checking
Kornafeld, Ádám
SZTAKI Desktop Grid: a Modular and Scalable Way of Building Large Computing Grids
Kot, Andriy
Evaluation of Remote Memory Access Communication on the Cray XT3
Kotsis, George
MultiEdge: An Edge-based Communication Subsystem for Scalable Commodity Servers
Koukis, Evangelos
Efficient Block Device Sharing over Myrinet with Memory Bypass
Kovács, József
SZTAKI Desktop Grid: a Modular and Scalable Way of Building Large Computing Grids
Koziris, Nectarios
Coarse-grain Parallel Execution for 2-dimensional PDE Problems
Efficient Block Device Sharing over Myrinet with Memory Bypass
Krintz, Chandra
VIProf: Vertically Integrated Full-System Performance Profiler
Krishnamoorthy, Sriram
A global address space framework for locality aware scheduling
Krishnan, Manojkumar
Scalable Visual Analytics of Massive Textual Datasets
Kuehnle, Matthias
A General Purpose Partially Reconfigurable Processor Simulator (PReProS)
Kulkarni, Milind
Scheduling Issues in Optimistic Parallelization
Kulkarni, Sandeep
Authentication in Reprogramming of Sensor Networks for Mote Class Adversaries
Kumar, Naveen
Virtual Execution Environments: Support and Tools
Kumar, Rajnish
RF2ID: A Reliable Middleware Framework for RFID Deployment
Kumar, Shashi
Exploiting Communication Concurrency for Efficient Deadlock Free Routing in Reconfigurable NoC Platforms
Kumar, Vibhore
Optimizing Multiple Distributed Stream Queries Using Hierarchical Network Partitions
Kumar, Vijay
Intelligent Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Applications
Kumfert, Gary
Babel Remote Method Invocation
Kuntz, Shannon
A Heterogeneous Lightweight Multithreaded Architecture
Kurc, Tahsin
Knowledge and Cache Conscious Algorithm Design and Systems Support for Data Mining Algorithms
Kuri, Joy
Packet Reordering in Network Processors
Kurniawan, Donny
A WSRF-Compliant Debugger for Grid Applications
Kurzyniec, Dawid
Enhancing Portability of HPC Applications across High-end Computing Platforms
Kusakabe, Shigeru
OS Mechanism for Continuation-based Fine-grained Threads on Dedicated and Commodity Processors
Kutzner, Kendy
Using Linearization for Global Consistency in SSR
Kwon, Youngmin
A Markov Reward Model for Software Reliability
Kyberd, Paul
A Study of Publish/Subscribe Systems for Real-Time Grid Monitoring
Läufer, Konstantin
A Model-Driven Approach to Job/Task Composition in Cluster Computing
López-Fuentes, Francisco de Asís
Proximity-Aware Collaborative Multicast for Small P2P Communities
Ladd, Joshua
Measuring the Robustness of Resource Allocations in a Stochastic Dynamic Environment
Lai, Yuan-cheng
kP2PADM: An In-kernel Gateway Architecture for Managing P2P Traffic
Laiymani, David
Java and asynchronous iterative applications: large scale experiments
Lalis, Spyros
Implementing Replica Placements: Feasibility and Cost Minimization
Lam, Patrick
Static Verification of Design Constraints and Software Correctness Properties in the Hob System
Lampsas, Petros
Implementing Replica Placements: Feasibility and Cost Minimization
Lancaster, Joseph M.
Preliminary results in accelerating profile HMM search on FPGAs
Lastovetsky, Alexey
A Performance Model of Many-to-One Collective Communications for Parallel Computing
Experiments with a Software Component Enabling NetSolve with Direct Communications in a Non-Intrusive and Incremental Way
Latifi, Shahram
A Combinatorial Analysis of Distance Reliability in Star Network
Lauria, Mario
A combinatorial model for self-organizing networks
Lawal, Najeem
C++ based System Synthesis of Real-Time Video Processing Systems targeting FPGA Implementation
Lawrence, Michael
Implementing OLAP Query Fragment Aggregation and Recombination for the OLAP Enabled Grid
Lee, Gregory L.
Stack Trace Analysis for Large Scale Debugging
Lee, Hyunyoung
STAMP: A Universal Algorithmic Model for Next-Generation Multithreaded Machines and Systems
Lee, Soo-young
Load Balancing of Parallel Simulated Annealing on a Temporally Heteogeneous Cluster of Workstations
Stochastic Approach to Scheduling Multiple Divisible Tasks on a Heterogeneous Distributed Computing System
Lee, Young Choon
An Artificial Immune System for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Scheduling with Task Duplication
Leek, James
Babel Remote Method Invocation
Lei, Ming
Online Grid Replication Optimizers to Improve System Reliability
Leiserson, Charles E.
Adaptive Scheduling with Parallelism Feedback
Provably Efficient Online Non-clairvoyant Adaptive Scheduling
Lemarinier, Pierre
A Model for Large Scale Self-stabilization
Lemley, Joseph
Adaptive Distributed Database Replication Through Colonies of Pogo Ants
Leray, Pierre
Managing dynamic reconfiguration on MIMO Decoder
Lerman, Kristina
Intelligent Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Applications
Lethin, Richard
Evaluation of Stream Virtual Machine on Raw Processor
Leung, Ming-ying
RNAVLab: A unified environment for computational RNA structure analysis based on grid computing technology
Levenhagen, Michael
Simulating Red Storm: Challenges and Successes in Building a System Simulation
Lewis, Michael J.
Proxy-based Grid Information Dissemination
Leyton, Mario
Towards Deployment Contracts in Large Scale Clusters & Desktop Grids
Li, Hui
Towards A Better Understanding of Workload Dynamics on Data-Intensive Clusters and Grids
Li, Jiangtian
Automatic Parallelization of Scripting Languages: Toward Transparent Desktop Parallel Computing
Li, Kai
Scalable, Dynamic Analysis and Visualization for Genomic Datasets
Li, Keqin
Average-Case Performance Analysis of Online Non-clairvoyant Scheduling of Parallel Tasks with Precedence Constraints
Li, Keqin
Average-Case Performance Evaluation of Online Algorithms for Routing and Wavelength Assignment in WDM Optical Networks
Li, Keqiu
A Minimal Access Cost-Based Multimedia Object Replacement Algorithm
Li, Li
Automatic Performance Diagnosis of Parallel Computations with Compoitional Models
Li, Sheng
A Heterogeneous Lightweight Multithreaded Architecture
Li, Xiao-feng
Task-pushing: a Scalable Parallel GC Marking Algorithm without Synchronization Operations
Li, Xiaoming
Automatic Program Segment Similarity Detection in Targeted Program Performance Improvement
Experience of Optimizing FFT on Intel Architectures
Optimizing Sorting with Machine Learning Algorithms
Li, Xinjie
Fast Failure Detection in a Process Group
Li, Zhenyu
Locality-Aware Consistency Maintenance for Heterogeneous P2P Systems
Li, Zhongcheng
Locality-Aware Consistency Maintenance for Heterogeneous P2P Systems
Liang, Yinglung
An Adaptive Semantic Filter for Blue Gene/L Failure Log Analysis
Liao, Chunhua
Invited Paper: A Compile-time Cost Model for OpenMP
Liao, Wei-keng
An Implementation and Evaluation of Client-Side File Caching for MPI-IO
Improving MPI Independent Write Performance Using A Two-Stage Write-Behind Buffering Method
Lichei, Andre
Low-Overhead LogGP Parameter Assessment for Modern Interconnection Networks
Licon, Abel
RNAVLab: A unified environment for computational RNA structure analysis based on grid computing technology
Lijewski, Michael
Scientific Application Performance on Candidate PetaScale Platforms
Lim, Min Yeol
Determining the Minimum Energy Consumption using Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling
Liming, Lee
GridCopy: Moving Data Fast on the Grid
Lin, Calvin
Early Results with Precision Abstraction: Using Data-flow Analysis to Improve the Scalability of Model Checking
Lin, Dong
Route Table Partitioning and Load Balancing for Parallel Searching with TCAMs
Lin, Junmin
Optimizing the Fast Fourier Transform on a Multi-core Architecture
Lin, Kwei-jay
Period-Dependent Initial Values for Exact Schedulability Test of Rate Monotonic Systems
Lin, Lan
STAMP: A Universal Algorithmic Model for Next-Generation Multithreaded Machines and Systems
Lin, Po-ching
kP2PADM: An In-kernel Gateway Architecture for Managing P2P Traffic
Lin, Ying-dar
kP2PADM: An In-kernel Gateway Architecture for Managing P2P Traffic
Lin, Yuehua
Model-Driven Performance Analysis Methodology for Distributed Software Systems
Lindsley, Brett
Verifiable Credit Based Transfers in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Link, Greg
Load Miss Prediction - Exploiting Power Performance Trade-offs
Linzmeier, Dan
Lipari, Giuseppe
A Flexible Scheme for Scheduling Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Tasks on Multiprocessors
A Framework for Modeling Operating System Mechanisms in the Simulation of Network Protocols for Real-Time Distributed Systems
Liu, Bin
Route Table Partitioning and Load Balancing for Parallel Searching with TCAMs
Liu, Chen
Reifying Control of Multi-Owned Network Resources
Liu, Chuang
A Scalable Cluster Algorithm for Internet Resources
Liu, Fang
Supporting Quality of Service in High-Performance Servers
CCA-LISI: On Designing A CCA Parallel Sparse Linear Solver Interface
Liu, Huadong
Scalable Distributed Execution Environment for Large Data Visualization
Liu, Ling
Optimizing Multiple Distributed Stream Queries Using Hierarchical Network Partitions
Spam-Resilient Web Rankings via Influence Throttling
Liu, Weichen
Improved Schedulability Analysis of EDF Scheduling on Reconfigurable Hardware
Liu, Yunhao
Popularity Adaptive Search in Hybrid P2P Systems
Pseudo Trust: Zero-Knowledge Based Authentication in Anonymous Peer-to-Peer Protocols
Liu, Zhen
Almost Peer-to-Peer Clock Synchronization
Llorente, Ignacio M.
Management of Virtual Machines on Globus Grids Using GridWay
Lopez, P.
Deterministic versus Adaptive Routing in Fat-Trees
Loukopoulos, Thanasis
Implementing Replica Placements: Feasibility and Cost Minimization
Loureiro, Antonio Garcia
Optimization and evaluation of parallel I/O in BIPS3D parallel irregular application
Louri, Ahmed
Power-Aware Bandwidth-Reconfigurable Optical Interconnects for High-Performance Computing (HPC) Systems
Low, Steven H.
Packet Loss Burstiness: Measurements and Implications for Distributed Applications
Lozano, Miguel
A Genetic Approach for Distributing Semantic Databases of Crowd Simulations
Lu, Li
Pseudo Trust: Zero-Knowledge Based Authentication in Anonymous Peer-to-Peer Protocols
Lu, Sanglu
Replication Strategy in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Systems
Lu, Wan-chen
Period-Dependent Initial Values for Exact Schedulability Test of Rate Monotonic Systems
Lucas, Joshua M.
Linking Compilation and Visualization for Massively Parallel Programs
Lumsdaine, Andrew
The Design and Implementation of Checkpoint/Restart Process Fault Tolerance for Open MPI
Luque, Cristóbal
Time Series Forecasting by means of Evolutionary Algorithms



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