21st International Parallel and Distributed
Processing Symposium
IPDPS 2007
Message from the General Chair
Welcome to the 21st International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium
(IPDPS'07) taking place here in Long Beach, California, located within the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area. This marks the first time in twelve years that the
symposium has been held in southern California, the entertainment capital of the world and home of many highly-ranked universities and top Fortune-500 companies.
We are very pleased you are taking part in this technical forum centered on parallel and distributed processing which brings together top research scientists and
engineers from all around the world from academia, industry, and research laboratories. This area of computing is growing in importance and pervasiveness,
particularly given that we are entering an era in which computer systems are built from emerging multicore processors. We have worked very hard to make every facet
of this symposium interesting for attendees by carefully selecting 109 general session technical papers (including four "best papers"), twenty-one workshops and
associated papers, three keynote speakers, a banquet speaker, a commercial track and associated papers, a symposium panel, and a symposium tutorial.
The success of this symposium is a direct result of the hard work and contributions
made by many, including the organizing committee members, the steering committee, the authors and sponsors—all of whom I gratefully acknowledge. I am especially
indebted to D.K. Panda, the Program Chair, who assembled an excellent group of Program Committee members and Program Vice-Chairs for the four main areas of the
symposium: Yves Robert for "Algorithms," Srinivas Aluru for "Applications," Per Stenstrom for "Architecture," and Jose Moreira for "Software." I greatly appreciate
the efforts made by D.K. Panda and his team in putting together a tremendous, high-quality technical program, including a panel on the topic of "Is the MultiCore
Roadmap Going to Live Up to Its Promises?" moderated by Per Stenstrom. I thank our panelists for participating: Michel Dubois, Tim Mattson, Kunle Olukotun, David Padua,
and Marc Tremblay. I also thank our keynote and banquet speakers for contributing to the symposium: Christopher Johnson, Michael Flynn, Mark Seager, and Umesh Vazirani.
It has been my pleasure working with other members of the organizing committee.
Among them, Alan Sussman, the Workshops Chair, worked tirelessly in putting together an excellent set of workshops—with the help of the Workshops Vice-Chair
Yuanyuan Yang. I thank them, along with the organizers of each workshop, for the marvelous job they did in assembling a variety of emerging topics of interest to the
parallel and distributed processing community. I also thank Sushil Prasad, the Tutorials Chair, for his efforts in selecting a timely tutorial of broad interest to the
IPDPS audience. I especially thank Shoukat Ali, the Proceedings Chair, who did an outstanding job in pulling together the conference and workshop proceedings which
includes the tutorial presentation. I acknowledge Nalini Venkatasubramanian and Gary Augusta, the Commercial Presentations and Exhibits Co-Chairs, along with Debbie
Nielsen, for attracting commercial participation and sponsorship. I am also very grateful to the Publicity Coordinators Ioannis Chatzigiannakis, Bo Hong and Cho-Li
Wang, and to the IPDPS Webmaster Anna Brown (, for the major effort they put forth in publicizing this symposium. The support of Jie Wu, the
General Vice-Chair, is also acknowledged.
I thank many other vital supporting cast members who, with their help and timely
work, have made this symposium into the success that it is. Headliners in this list include Production Chair Sally Jelinek, Finance Chair Bill Pitts, Local Arrangements
Chair Susamma Barua, and Steering Co-Chairs Viktor Prasanna and George Westrom. Without these key individuals, the process of running this symposium would not have
gone nearly as smoothly. As has been echoed by my predecessors, these individuals shielded me from having to handle a myriad of important administrative details which
require great competence and skill. I benefited greatly from their wealth of experience and unparalleled dedication. I especially thank Sally Jelinek for pitching in any number
of ways above and beyond the call of her defined duties, particularly in her assistance with generating interest in commercial participation. I also greatly
appreciate Viktor Prasanna for being very generous with his time and useful guidance.
Last, I express my sincere gratitude to the steering committee who invited me to
serve as General Chair and who provided the organizing committee useful direction throughout. This has been a very rewarding experience for all of us. I trust that you,
too, will find this year's symposium to be an enriching experience, both informative and stimulating. Enjoy your time here at IPDPS'07 and indulge in the uniquenesses
offered by this beautiful and exciting city of Long Beach!
Timothy Mark Pinkston, IPDPS'07 General Chair University of Southern California
National Science Foundation
IEEE Catalog Number: 07TH8938C ISBN: 1-4244-0910-1 ISSN: 2006940135
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