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Technical Committee on
Parallel Processing





Author Index









































Márquez, Andrés
Probability Convergence in a Multithreaded Counting Application
Ma, Jie
United-FS: A Logical File System Providing a Single Image of Multiple Physical File Systems on NFS Server
Ma, Junchang
IntraCache: An Interest group-based P2P Web Caching System
Ma, Xiaosong
Automatic Parallelization of Scripting Languages: Toward Transparent Desktop Parallel Computing
Maamar, Haifa
A Design and Analysis of a Hybrid Multicast Transport Protocol for the Haptic Virtual Reality Tracheotomy Tele-Surgery Application
Maciejewski, Anthony A.
Measuring the Robustness of Resource Allocations in a Stochastic Dynamic Environment
Models and Heuristics for Robust Resource Allocation in Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems
Study of an Iterative Technique to Minimize Completion Times of Non-Makespan Machines
Macquire, Andrew
Performance Modelling of Peer-to-Peer Routing
Madduri, Kamesh
A Graph-Theoretic Analysis of the Human Protein-Interaction Network Using Multicore Parallel Algorithms
Advanced Shortest Paths Algorithms on a Massively-Multithreaded Architecture
On the Design and Analysis of Irregular Algorithms on the Cell Processor: A Case Study of List Ranking
SWARM: A Parallel Programming Framework for Multicore Processors
Maehle, Erik
Communication Architectures for Dynamically Reconfigurable FPGA Designs
Mahambre, Shruti P.
Reliable Routing of Event Notifications over P2P Overlay Routing Substrate in Event Based Middleware
Maheswaran, Muthucumaru
Benefits of Targeting in Trusted Gossiping for Peer-to-Peer Information Sharing
Mai, Ken
PROTOFLEX: FPGA-accelerated Hybrid Functional Simulator
Malewicz, Grzegorz
Applying IC-Scheduling Theory to Familiar Classes of Computations
Malkani, Mohan
Novel Broadcast/Multicast Protocols for Dynamic Sensor Networks
Malkowski, Konrad
Load Miss Prediction - Exploiting Power Performance Trade-offs
Memory Optimizations For Fast Power-Aware Sparse Computations
Malladi, Srilaxmi
Improving Secure Communication Policy Agreements by Building Coalitions
Malony, Allen
Automatic Performance Diagnosis of Parallel Computations with Compoitional Models
Mamidala, Amith R.
Automatic Path Migration Over InfiniBand: Early Experiences
Mancini, Luigi V.
Towards threat-adaptive dynamic fragment replication in large scale distributed systems
Mange, Daniel
CONFETTI : A reconfigurable hardware platform for prototyping cellular architectures
Mango, Gennaro
A combinatorial model for self-organizing networks
Manivannan, D.
An optimistic checkpointing and selective message logging approach for consistent global checkpoint collection in distributed systems
Manna, Zohar
Generating Efficient Distributed Deadlock Avoidance Controllers
Marchal, Loris
VoroNet: A scalable object network based on Voronoi tessellations
Marinescu, Dan C.
An Automated Data Processing Pipeline for Virus Structure Determination at High Resolution
Marinov, Darko
J-Sim: An Integrated Environment for Simulation and Model Checking of Network Protocols
Marosi, Attila Csaba
SZTAKI Desktop Grid: a Modular and Scalable Way of Building Large Computing Grids
Marsh, Michael
Creating a Robust Desktop Grid using Peer-to-Peer Services
Martínez, Alejandro
Deadline-based QoS Algorithms for High-performance Networks
Efficient Switches with QoS Support for Clusters
Martínez, Carmen
Mixed-radix Twisted Torus Interconnection Networks
Martínez, Diego R.
Software Tools for Performance Modeling of Parallel Programs
Martínez, José F.
A Reconfigurable Chip Multiprocessor Architecture to Accommodate Software Diversity
Martínez, Raúl
Comparing the latency performance of the DTable and DRR schedulers
Martins, Carlos A. P. S.
A Configuration Control Mechanism Based on Concurrency Level for a Reconfigurable Consistency Algorithm
Martins Jr., Antonio S.
Implementing and Evaluating Automatic Checkpointing
Mascolo, Cecilia
Predictive Resource Scheduling in Computational Grids
Masson, Damien
The Design and Implementation of Real-time Event-based Applications with RTSJ
Mathy, Laurent
Performance Modelling of Peer-to-Peer Routing
Matsuba, Hiroya
Single IP Address Cluster for Internet Servers
Matsuoka, Satoshi
A Peer-to-Peer Infrastructure for Autonomous Grid Monitoring
ABARIS: An Adaptable Fault Detection/Recovery Component Framework for MPIs
Matsutani, Hiroki
Performance, Cost, and Energy Evaluation of Fat H-Tree: A Cost-Efficient Tree-Based On-Chip Network
Matsuura, Munehiro
A CAM Emulator Using Look-Up Table Cascades
Mattox, Timothy I.
The Design and Implementation of Checkpoint/Restart Process Fault Tolerance for Open MPI
Mayrhofer, Rene
On the Security of Ultrasound as Out-of-band Channel
Mazouzi, Kamel
Java and asynchronous iterative applications: large scale experiments
Mcfarlin, Daniel
Library Function Selection in Compiling Octave
Mcleod VII, John
Local Scheduling for Volunteer Computing
Mcmahon, Janice O.
Evaluation of Stream Virtual Machine on Raw Processor
Medvidovic, Nenad
Identifying and Addressing Uncertainty in Architecture-Level Software Reliability Modeling
Megerian, Mark
A Flexible Resource Management Architecture for the Blue Gene/P Supercomputer
Mehta, Gayatri
Interconnect Customization for a Coarse-grained Reconfigurable Fabric
Mehta, Neeraj
A Model-Driven Approach to Job/Task Composition in Cluster Computing
Mei, Alessandro
Towards threat-adaptive dynamic fragment replication in large scale distributed systems
Mei, Hailiang
Optimal Assignment of a Tree-Structured Context Reasoning Procedure onto a Host-Satellites System
Meissner, Torsten
High-Level Synthesis of HW Tasks Targeting Run-Time Reconfigurable FPGAs
Melab, Nouredine
A Comparative Study of Parallel Metaheuristics for Protein Structure Prediction on the Computational Grid
A Grid-enabled Branch and Bound Algorithm for Solving Challenging Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Melcher, Elmar U. K.
A General Purpose Partially Reconfigurable Processor Simulator (PReProS)
Melhem, Rami
Linking Compilation and Visualization for Massively Parallel Programs
Meling, Hein
A Framework for Experimental Validation and Performance Evaluation in Fault Tolerant Distributed System
Meraji, Sina
Performance Modelling of Necklace Hypercubes
Mercier, Guillaume
High-Performance Multi-Rail Support with the NewMadeleine Communication Library
Meredith, Jeremy S.
Analysis of a Computational Biology Simulation Technique on Emerging Processing Architectures
Merker, Renate
A Reconfiguration Aware Circuit Mapper for FPGAs
Mesquita, Daniel
A Cryptographic Coarse Grain Reconfigurable Architecture Robust Against DPA
Meyer, Brett H.
Rethinking Automated Synthesis of MPSoC Architectures
Mezmaz, Mohand
A Grid-enabled Branch and Bound Algorithm for Solving Challenging Combinatorial Optimization Problems
Mi, Ningfang
New Results on the Performance Effects of Autocorrelated Flows in Systems
Michael, Maged
Scale-up x Scale-out: A Case Study using Nutch/Lucene
Midkiff, Samuel P.
An Optimizing Compiler for Parallel Chemistry Simulations
Midonnet, Serge
The Design and Implementation of Real-time Event-based Applications with RTSJ
Miguel-alonso, José
Mixed-radix Twisted Torus Interconnection Networks
Milios, Evangelos E.
Shrack: Description and Performance Evaluation of a Peer-to-Peer System for Document Sharing and Tracking using Pull-Only Information Dissemination
Miller, Barton P.
Stack Trace Analysis for Large Scale Debugging
Miller, Sam
A Flexible Resource Management Architecture for the Blue Gene/P Supercomputer
Milward, Mark
Code Compression and Decompression for Instruction Cell Based Reconfigurable Systems
Min, Geyong
Loss Probability of LRD and SRD Traffic in Generalized Processor Sharing Systems
Min, Seung-jai
Programming Distributed Memory Sytems Using OpenMP
Minkenberg, Cyriel
Speculative Flow Control for High-Radix Datacenter Interconnect Routers
Miremadi, Seyed Ghassem
Fast SEU Detection and Correction in LUT Configuration Bits of SRAM-based FPGAs
Fault-Tolerant Earliest-Deadline-First Scheduling Algorithm in Uniprocessor Embedded Systems
Mitra, Arindam
Benefits of Targeting in Trusted Gossiping for Peer-to-Peer Information Sharing
Mitsumori, Satoki
Middleware and Performance Issues for Computational Finance Applications on Blue Gene/L
Miura, Shin'ichi
RI2N/UDP: High bandwidth and fault-tolerant network for a PC-cluster based on multi-link Ethernet
Miyazaki, Rio
A multi-context holographic memory recording system for Optically Reconfigurable Gate Arrays
Mo, Zeyao
Dynamic Load-Balancing and High Performance Communication in Jcluster
Moharil, Sourabh
Load Balancing of Parallel Simulated Annealing on a Temporally Heteogeneous Cluster of Workstations
Mohr, Bernd
Automatic Trace-Based Performance Analysis of Metacomputing Applications
Mongenet, Catherine
Experiments in running a scientific MPI application on Grid'5000
Monreal, Teresa
Microarchitectural Support for Speculative Register Renaming
Montero, Rubèn S.
Management of Virtual Machines on Globus Grids Using GridWay
Moore, Terry
Scalable Distributed Execution Environment for Large Data Visualization
Moraes, Fernando
A Cryptographic Coarse Grain Reconfigurable Architecture Robust Against DPA
Moreira, Jose E.
Base Operating System Provisioning and Bringup for a Commercial Supercomputer
Performance Studies of a WebSphere Application, Trade, in Scale-out and Scale-up Environments
Scale-up x Scale-out: A Case Study using Nutch/Lucene
Morel, Matthieu
Performance and Scalability of a Component-Based Grid Application
Moresi, Louis
Explaining StGermain: An aspect oriented environment for building extensible computational mechanics modeling software
Moretó, Miquel
Mixed-radix Twisted Torus Interconnection Networks
Moretti, Christopher
Challenges in Executing Data Intensive Biometric Workloads on a Desktop Grid
Morra, Carlos
Using Rewriting Logic to Match Patterns of Instructions from a Compiler Intermediate Form to Coarse-Grained Processing Elements
Morris, Thomas H.
PCPP: On Remote Host Assessment via Naïve Bayesian Classification
Morrison, John P.
An Automated Data Processing Pipeline for Virus Structure Determination at High Resolution
Moss, J. Eliot B.
Modeling Modern Micro-architectures using CASL
Moulaï, Feryal-kamila
Bi-criteria Scheduling Algorithm with Deployment in Cluster
Mounié, Grégory
Analysis of Scheduling Algorithms with Reservations
Bi-criteria Scheduling Algorithm with Deployment in Cluster
Mousa, Hussam
VIProf: Vertically Integrated Full-System Performance Profiler
Mudry, Pierre- André
CONFETTI : A reconfigurable hardware platform for prototyping cellular architectures
Mueller, Florian H.
A new framework to accelerate Virtex-II Pro dynamic partial self-reconfiguration
Mueller, Frank
A Job Pause Service under LAM/MPI+BLCR for Transparent Fault Tolerance
Scalable Compression and Replay of Communication Traces in Massively Parallel Environments
Mukherjee, Joy
The Adaptive Code Kitchen: Flexible Tools for Dynamic Application Composition
Mukherjee, Tridib
Energy-Aware Self-Stabilization in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: A Multicasting Case Study
Musolesi, Mirco
Predictive Resource Scheduling in Computational Grids
Mytkowicz, Todd
Understanding Measurement Perturbation in Trace-Based Data
Naci, Sofiane
Optimizing Inter-Nest Data Locality Using Loop Splitting and Reordering
Nair, V. S. S.
PCPP: On Remote Host Assessment via Naïve Bayesian Classification
Nakahara, Hiroki
A CAM Emulator Using Look-Up Table Cascades
Nakajima, Yoshihiro
Direct Execution of Linux Binary on Windows for Grid RPC Workers
Nakamura, Hiroshi
A High Performance Cluster System Design by Adaptive Power Control
Nakano, Aiichiro
Intelligent Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Applications
Nakano, Koji
Cluster-dot Screening by Local Exhaustive Search with Hardware Accelaration
Nam, Beomseok
Creating a Robust Desktop Grid using Peer-to-Peer Services
Namyst, Raymond
High-Performance Multi-Rail Support with the NewMadeleine Communication Library
NewMadeleine: a Fast Communication Scheduling Engine for High Performance Networks
Nanya, Takashi
A Minimal Access Cost-Based Multimedia Object Replacement Algorithm
Narasimhan, Priya
Tiresias: Black-Box Failure Prediction in Distributed Systems
Narravula, Sundeep
Automatic Path Migration Over InfiniBand: Early Experiences
Designing Efficient Systems Services and Primitives for Next-Generation Data-Centers
Natarajan, Ramesh
Middleware and Performance Issues for Computational Finance Applications on Blue Gene/L
Navaridas, Javier
Mixed-radix Twisted Torus Interconnection Networks
Navarro, John-paul
GridCopy: Moving Data Fast on the Grid
Navathe, Shamkant B.
Improving Secure Communication Policy Agreements by Building Coalitions
Negro, Alberto
PON: Exploiting Proximity on Overlay Networks
Nelson, Yoon-Ju Lee
Intelligent Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Applications
Newby, Greg
Experimental Evaluation of Emerging Multi-core Architectures
Nguyen, Linh Thai
Masked Queries for Search Accuracy in Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Systems
Ni, Lionel M.
Popularity Adaptive Search in Hybrid P2P Systems
Pseudo Trust: Zero-Knowledge Based Authentication in Anonymous Peer-to-Peer Protocols
Nicolau, Alex
Annotation Integration and Trade-off Analysis for Multimedia Applications
Nieplocha, Jarek
A global address space framework for locality aware scheduling
Evaluation of Remote Memory Access Communication on the Cray XT3
Probability Convergence in a Multithreaded Counting Application
Scalable Visual Analytics of Massive Textual Datasets
Nikolopoulos, Dimitris S.
RAxML-Cell: Parallel Phylogenetic Tree Inference on the Cell Broadband Engine
Nikolov, Nikola S.
Applying Ant Colony Optimization Metaheuristic to the DAG Layering Problem
Noblet, David A.
FixD: Fault Detection, Bug Reporting, and Recoverability for Distributed Applications
Noeth, Michael
Scalable Compression and Replay of Communication Traces in Massively Parallel Environments
Noghanian, Sima
A Parallel Algorithmic Approach for Microwave Tomography in Breast Cancer Detection
Nogueira, Luís
Capacity Sharing and Stealing in Dynamic Server-based Real-Time Systems
Nomura, Yoshinari
OS Mechanism for Continuation-based Fine-grained Threads on Dedicated and Commodity Processors
Noronha, Ranjit
Improving Scalability of OpenMP Applications on Multi-core Systems Using Large Page Support
Nousias, Ioannis
Code Compression and Decompression for Instruction Cell Based Reconfigurable Systems
Nudd, Graham R.
Predicting the Effect on Performance of Container-Managed Persistence in a Distributed Enterprise Application
Nurmi, Daniel
An Analysis of Availability Distributions in Condor
Nurvitadhi, Eriko
PROTOFLEX: FPGA-accelerated Hybrid Functional Simulator
Nymeyer, H.
Data-Driven Time-Parallelization in the AFM Simulation of Proteins
Ochi, Luiz Satoru
A hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for the Dynamic Resource Constrained Task Scheduling Problem
O'connor, Nick
An Energy-Efficient Framework for Large-Scale Parallel Storage Systems
O'Flynn, Maureen
A Performance Model of Many-to-One Collective Communications for Parallel Computing
Okamoto, Takayuki
RI2N/UDP: High bandwidth and fault-tolerant network for a PC-cluster based on multi-link Ethernet
Oliker, Leonid
Scientific Application Performance on Candidate PetaScale Platforms
Oliver, Tim
High Performance Database Searching with HMMer on FPGAs
Olivier, Stephen
Dynamic Load Balancing of Unbalanced Computations Using Message Passing
Porting the GROMACS Molecular Dynamics Code to the Cell Processor
Oltikar, Mohana
Study of an Iterative Technique to Minimize Completion Times of Non-Makespan Machines
O'nils, Mattias
C++ based System Synthesis of Real-Time Video Processing Systems targeting FPGA Implementation
Opos, J. M.
A Performance Analysis of Indirect Routing
Oppold, Tobias
Optimization of Area and Performance by Processor-Like Reconfiguration
Orduña, Juan Manuel
A Genetic Approach for Distributing Semantic Databases of Crowd Simulations
Orozco, Daniel
Experience of Optimizing FFT on Intel Architectures
Ortega, Julio
Parallel Processing for Multi-objective Optimization in Dynamic Environments
Osrael, Johannes
Availability/Consistency Balancing Replication Model
Ould-khaoua, Mohamed
Evaluating the Performance of Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Routing
Padua, David
Optimizing Sorting with Machine Learning Algorithms
Pagano, Paolo
A Framework for Modeling Operating System Mechanisms in the Simulation of Network Protocols for Real-Time Distributed Systems
Pai, Vijay S.
A Model and Prototype of a Resource-Efficient Storage Server for High-Bitrate Video-on-Demand
Achieving Reliable Parallel Performance in a VoD Storage Server Using Randomization and Replication
Design Alternatives for a High-Performance Self-Securing Ethernet Network Interface
Palesi, Maurizio
Exploiting Communication Concurrency for Efficient Deadlock Free Routing in Reconfigurable NoC Platforms
Palicot, Jacques
Managing dynamic reconfiguration on MIMO Decoder
Pallickara, Shrideep
A Scalable Approach for the Secure and Authorized Tracking of the Availability of Entities in Distributed Systems
Palmer, Trek
Modeling Modern Micro-architectures using CASL
Pan, Deng
Max-Min Fair Bandwidth Allocation Algorithms for Packet Switches
Pan, Xuezeng
A Reconfigurable Computing Engine for Wavelet Transforms
Pan, Zhelong
Open Internet-based Sharing for Desktop Grids in iShare
Panda, Dhabaleswar K.
Automatic Path Migration Over InfiniBand: Early Experiences
Designing Efficient Asynchronous Memory Operations Using Hardware Copy Engine: A Case Study with I/OAT
Designing Efficient Systems Services and Primitives for Next-Generation Data-Centers
High Performance MPI on IBM 12x InfiniBand Architecture
Improving Scalability of OpenMP Applications on Multi-core Systems Using Large Page Support
Pande, Vijay S.
Storage@home: Petascale Distributed Storage
Pao, Derek
Route Table Partitioning and Load Balancing for Parallel Searching with TCAMs
Parate, Piyush
CoQUOS: Lightweight Support for Continuous Queries in Unstructured Overlays
Parhami, Behrooz
Distributed Interval Voting with Node Failures of Various Types
Park, Eunjung
Automatic Program Segment Similarity Detection in Targeted Program Performance Improvement
Parlavantzas, Nikos
Performance and Scalability of a Component-Based Grid Application
Parthasarathy, Srinivasan
Knowledge and Cache Conscious Algorithm Design and Systems Support for Data Mining Algorithms
Pase, Douglas M.
Detecting Runtime Environment Interference with Parallel Application Behavior
Pasquale, J.
A Performance Analysis of Indirect Routing
A Resource Allocation Problem in Replicated Peer-to-peer Storage Systems
Passas, Stavros
MultiEdge: An Edge-based Communication Subsystem for Scalable Commodity Servers
Passos, Lorena B. C.
Performance evaluation of two parallel programming paradigms applied to the symplectic integrator running on COTS PC cluster
Patarasuk, Pitch
Bandwidth Efficient All-reduce Operation on Tree Topologies
Patel, Parimal
Distributed IDS using Reconfigurable Hardware
Patooghy, Ahmad
Performance Modelling of Necklace Hypercubes
Pavoni, Davide
Hierarchical Cluster Assignment for Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Coprocessors
Pawar, Pravin
Optimal Assignment of a Tree-Structured Context Reasoning Procedure onto a Host-Satellites System
Pearce, Michael
Verifiable Credit Based Transfers in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Peinador, Juan Fernandez
Challenges in Mapping Graph Exploration Algorithms on Advanced Multi-core Processors
Peng, Fang
Integrating Performance Tools with Large-Scale Scientific Software
Peng, Jeff
Biomolecular Path Sampling Enabled by Processing in Network Storage
Penmatsa, Satish
Dynamic Multi-User Load Balancing in Distributed Systems
Implementation of Distributed Loop Scheduling Schemes on the TeraGrid
Peres, Olivier
A Model for Large Scale Self-stabilization
Perrone, Michael
Multicore Surprises: Lessons Learned from Optimizing Sweep3D on the Cell Broadband Engine
Pertet, Soila
Tiresias: Black-Box Failure Prediction in Distributed Systems
Peter, Kathrin
Combining Compression, Encryption and Fault-tolerant Coding for Distributed Storage
Petiton, Serge
A Parallel Hybrid Method of GMRES on GRID System
Petrini, Fabrizio
Challenges in Mapping Graph Exploration Algorithms on Advanced Multi-core Processors
Multicore Surprises: Lessons Learned from Optimizing Sweep3D on the Cell Broadband Engine
Peak-Performance DFA-based String Matching on the Cell Processor
Pfitscher, Gerson H.
Performance evaluation of two parallel programming paradigms applied to the symplectic integrator running on COTS PC cluster
Phan, Thomas
Middleware and Performance Issues for Computational Finance Applications on Blue Gene/L
Phillips, Jonathan
A Reconfigurable Load Balancing Architecture for Molecular Dynamics
Pietracaprina, Andrea
Network-Oblivious Algorithms
Pietro, Roberto Di
Towards threat-adaptive dynamic fragment replication in large scale distributed systems
Pilard, Laurence
A Model for Large Scale Self-stabilization
Pineau, Jean-françois
Revisiting Matrix Product on Master-Worker Platforms
Ping, Lingdi
A Reconfigurable Computing Engine for Wavelet Transforms
Pingali, Keshav
Scheduling Issues in Optimistic Parallelization
Pinho, Luís Miguel
Capacity Sharing and Stealing in Dynamic Server-based Real-Time Systems
Pionteck, Thilo
Communication Architectures for Dynamically Reconfigurable FPGA Designs
Pistorius, Stephen
A Parallel Algorithmic Approach for Microwave Tomography in Breast Cancer Detection
Plaxton, C. Greg
Online Aggregation over Trees
Reconfigurable Resource Scheduling with Variable Delay Bounds
Podhorszki, Norbert
SZTAKI Desktop Grid: a Modular and Scalable Way of Building Large Computing Grids
Pollock, Lori
Automatic MPI application transformation with ASPhALT
Ponte, Thiago
Using Coroutines for RPC in Sensor Networks
Porrmann, Mario
Partial Dynamic Reconfiguration in a Multi-FPGA Clustered Architecture Based on Linux
Porter, Adam
Towards a Distributed Continuous Certification Process
Potok, Thomas E.
Distributed Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimizer in Dynamic Environment
Pousa, Christiane V.
A Configuration Control Mechanism Based on Concurrency Level for a Reconfigurable Consistency Algorithm
Power, David A.
An Automated Data Processing Pipeline for Virus Structure Determination at High Resolution
Pradhan, Dhiraj K.
Fast SEU Detection and Correction in LUT Configuration Bits of SRAM-based FPGAs
Prasad, Sushil K.
iC2mpi: A Platform for Parallel Execution of Graph-Structured Iterative Computations
Improving Secure Communication Policy Agreements by Building Coalitions
Prasanna, Viktor K.
DOSA: Design Optimizer for Scientific Applications
Hardware/Software Co-Design for Matrix Computations on Reconfigurable Computing Systems
Prins, Jan
Dynamic Load Balancing of Unbalanced Computations Using Message Passing
Porting the GROMACS Molecular Dynamics Code to the Cell Processor
Pucci, Geppino
Network-Oblivious Algorithms
Puliafito, Antonio
Dependability Modeling and Analysis in Dynamic Systems
Qi, Zijie
Online Grid Replication Optimizers to Improve System Reliability
Qin, Xiao
An Energy-Efficient Framework for Large-Scale Parallel Storage Systems
Qu, Wenyu
A Minimal Access Cost-Based Multimedia Object Replacement Algorithm
Quenette, Steve
Explaining StGermain: An aspect oriented environment for building extensible computational mechanics modeling software
Quiles, Francisco J.
Implementing the Advanced Switching Fabric Discovery Process
Quinlan, Dan
POET: Parameterized Optimizations for Empirical Tuning



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