Cámara, José M. Mixed-radix Twisted Torus Interconnection Networks
Cámara, Mario Parallel Processing for Multi-objective Optimization in Dynamic Environments
Cédric, Lauradoux From Hardware to Software Synthesis of Linear Feedback Shift Registers
Córdova-flores, Carlos Alberto Constant Time Simulation of an R-Mesh on an LR-Mesh
Cabaleiro, José C. Software Tools for Performance Modeling of Parallel Programs
Cai, Bin Performance Evaluation of A Load Self-Balancing Method for Heterogeneous Metadata Server Cluster Using Trace-Driven and Synthetic Workload Simulation
Cai, Min Distributed Aggregation Algorithms with Load-Balancing for Scalable Grid Resource Monitoring
Callanan, Sean Model Predictive Control for Memory Profiling
Cambonie, Joel Hierarchical Cluster Assignment for Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Coprocessors
Cameron, Kirk W. An Implementation of Page Allocation Shaping for Energy Efficiency
Building the Tree of Life on Terascale Systems
Power-Aware Speedup
Caniou, Yves Cosmological Simulations using Grid Middleware
Canning, Andrew Scientific Application Performance on Candidate PetaScale Platforms
Cao, Jun An Optimizing Compiler for Parallel Chemistry Simulations
Cao, Pei Packet Loss Burstiness: Measurements and Implications for Distributed Applications
Carbunar, Bogdan Verifiable Credit Based Transfers in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Cardoso, Joao M. P. Using Rewriting Logic to Match Patterns of Instructions from a Compiler Intermediate Form to Coarse-Grained Processing Elements
Caromel, Denis Performance and Scalability of a Component-Based Grid Application
Towards Deployment Contracts in Large Scale Clusters & Desktop Grids
Caron, Eddy Cosmological Simulations using Grid Middleware
Carretero, Jesus Optimization and evaluation of parallel I/O in BIPS3D parallel irregular application
Carroll, Thomas E. A Strategyproof Mechanism for Scheduling Divisible Loads in Linear Networks
Carter, Jonathan Scientific Application Performance on Candidate PetaScale Platforms
Caruthers, James M. An Optimizing Compiler for Parallel Chemistry Simulations
Carzaniga, Antonio Spinneret: A Log Random Substrate for P2P Networks
Casado, Rafael Implementing the Advanced Switching Fabric Discovery Process
Casale, Giuliano New Results on the Performance Effects of Autocorrelated Flows in Systems
Castillo, Claris On the Design of Online Scheduling Algorithms for Advance Reservations and QoS in Grids
Catalyurek, Umit V. A global address space framework for locality aware scheduling
Hypergraph-based Dynamic Load Balancing for Adaptive Scientific Computations
Catania, Vincenzo Exploiting Communication Concurrency for Efficient Deadlock Free Routing in Reconfigurable NoC Platforms
Catarino, Daniel Topaz: Extending Firefox to Accommodate the GridFTP Protocol
Caverlee, James Spam-Resilient Web Rankings via Influence Throttling
Cavero, Vicente A Genetic Approach for Distributing Semantic Databases of Crowd Simulations
Cebrián, Juan Manuel Leakage Energy Reduction in Value Predictors through Static Decay
Chai, Lei Designing Efficient Asynchronous Memory Operations Using Hardware Copy Engine: A Case Study with I/OAT
Chakraborty, Liton A Utility-based Approach to Cost-Aware Caching in Heterogeneous Storage Systems
Chakravorty, Sayantan A Fault Tolerance Protocol with Fast Fault Recovery
Chamberlain, Roger D. Preliminary results in accelerating profile HMM search on FPGAs
Chame, Jacqueline Intelligent Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Applications
Model-Guided Empirical Optimization for Multimedia Extension Architectures: A Case Study
Chandra, Abhishek NGS: Service Adaptation in Open Grid Platforms
Chang, Tsao-jiang kP2PADM: An In-kernel Gateway Architecture for Managing P2P Traffic
Chaouchi, Hakima ESSTCP: Enhanced Spread-Spectrum tcp
Chapman, Barbara Invited Paper: A Compile-time Cost Model for OpenMP
Chapman, Clovis Predictive Resource Scheduling in Computational Grids
Chauhan, Arun Library Function Selection in Compiling Octave
Chavarría-miranda, Daniel Probability Convergence in a Multithreaded Counting Application
Chen, Chun Model-Guided Empirical Optimization for Multimedia Extension Architectures: A Case Study
Chen, Daoxu Replication Strategy in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Systems
Chen, Guihai Replication Strategy in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Systems
Chen, Hsing-bung A Cost-Effective, High Bandwidth Server I/O network Architecture for Cluster Systems
Chen, Huan United-FS: A Logical File System Providing a Single Image of Multiple Physical File Systems on NFS Server
Chen, Jianxia CoQUOS: Lightweight Support for Continuous Queries in Unstructured Overlays
Chen, Long Optimizing the Fast Fourier Transform on a Multi-core Architecture
Chen, Simon Y. Cost-Driven Hybrid Configuration Prefetching for Partial Reconfigurable Coprocessor
Chen, Wei Novel Broadcast/Multicast Protocols for Dynamic Sensor Networks
Chen, Ying Cost-Driven Hybrid Configuration Prefetching for Partial Reconfigurable Coprocessor
Chen, Yong Improving Data Access Performance with Server Push Architecture
Chen, Yu Machine Bank: Own Your Virtual Personal Computer
Topology-Transparent Duty Cycling for Wireless Sensor Networks
Chen, Yurong Parallel Audio Quick Search on Shared-Memory Multiprocessor Systems
Chen, Zizhong Self Adaptive Application Level Fault Tolerance for Parallel and Distributed Computing
Cheng, Huifang IntraCache: An Interest group-based P2P Web Caching System
Cheng, Qiong iC2mpi: A Platform for Parallel Execution of Graph-Structured Iterative Computations
Cheung, Leslie Identifying and Addressing Uncertainty in Architecture-Level Software Reliability Modeling
Childers, Bruce R. Virtual Execution Environments: Support and Tools
Ching, Avery An Implementation and Evaluation of Client-Side File Caching for MPI-IO
Green Supercomputing in a Desktop Box
Improving MPI Independent Write Performance Using A Two-Stage Write-Behind Buffering Method
Choe, Yung Ryn A Model and Prototype of a Resource-Efficient Storage Server for High-Bitrate Video-on-Demand
Achieving Reliable Parallel Performance in a VoD Storage Server Using Randomization and Replication
Choi, Jong Hyuk Base Operating System Provisioning and Bringup for a Commercial Supercomputer
Choudhary, Alok An Implementation and Evaluation of Client-Side File Caching for MPI-IO
Improving MPI Independent Write Performance Using A Two-Stage Write-Behind Buffering Method
Chrisochoides, Nikos Evaluation of Remote Memory Access Communication on the Cray XT3
Christiaens, Mark Mobility of Data in Distributed Hybrid Computing Systems
Chronopoulos, Anthony T. Dynamic Multi-User Load Balancing in Distributed Systems
Implementation of Distributed Loop Scheduling Schemes on the TeraGrid
Chu, Edward T.-h. A Near-optimal Solution for the Heterogeneous Multi-processor Single-level Voltage Setup Problem
Chung, Eric S. PROTOFLEX: FPGA-accelerated Hybrid Functional Simulator
Chung, I-hsin Performance Studies of a WebSphere Application, Trade, in Scale-out and Scale-up Environments
Ciaccio, Giuseppe A Pretty Flexible API for Generic Peer-to-Peer Programming
Ciotti, Robert Parallel I/O Performance Characterization of Columbia and NEC SX-8 Superclusters
Cirinei, Michele A Flexible Scheme for Scheduling Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Tasks on Multiprocessors
Claus, Christopher A new framework to accelerate Virtex-II Pro dynamic partial self-reconfiguration
Clayton, Brian C. An Automated Data Processing Pipeline for Virus Structure Determination at High Resolution
Codasco, Gennaro Applying IC-Scheduling Theory to Familiar Classes of Computations
Cohen, Marcelo Using Coroutines for RPC in Sensor Networks
Coloma, Kenin An Implementation and Evaluation of Client-Side File Caching for MPI-IO
Improving MPI Independent Write Performance Using A Two-Stage Write-Behind Buffering Method
Combaz, Jacques Using Speed Diagrams for Symbolic Quality Management
Cong, Guojing A Selective Profiling Tool: Towards Automatic Performance Tuning
Conner, Sarah Link Shutdown Opportunities During Collective Communications in 3-D Torus Nets
Cooper, Brian F. Optimizing Multiple Distributed Stream Queries Using Hierarchical Network Partitions
Cordasco, Gennaro PON: Exploiting Proximity on Overlay Networks
Cornea, Radu Annotation Integration and Trade-off Analysis for Multimedia Applications
Correa, Jan M. Reconfigurable Architecture for Biological Sequence Comparison in Reduced Memory Space Reduced Memory Space
Cosnard, Michel Minimum number of wavelengths equals load in a DAG without internal cycle
Costa, Roberto Hierarchical Cluster Assignment for Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Coprocessors
Costanzo, Alexandre Di Towards Deployment Contracts in Large Scale Clusters & Desktop Grids
Courtois, Hélène Cosmological Simulations using Grid Middleware
Couturier, Raphaël CRAC: a Grid Environment to Solve Scientific Applications with Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms
Java and asynchronous iterative applications: large scale experiments
Synchronous Distributed Load Balancing on Totally Dynamic Networks
Cowley, Wendy Scalable Visual Analytics of Massive Textual Datasets
Crago, Stephen P. Evaluation of Stream Virtual Machine on Raw Processor
Crobak, Joseph R. Advanced Shortest Paths Algorithms on a Massively-Multithreaded Architecture
Crow, Vernon Scalable Visual Analytics of Massive Textual Datasets
Cudennec, Loïc Performance scalability of the JXTA P2P framework
Cui, Xiaohui Distributed Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimizer in Dynamic Environment
Cuvillo, Juan Exploring a Multithreaded Methodology to Implement a Network Communication Protocol on the Cyclops-64 Multithreaded Architecture
Cytron, Ron K. Splice: A Standardized Peripheral Logic and Interface Creation Engine
Daly, David Base Operating System Provisioning and Bringup for a Commercial Supercomputer
Danalis, Anthony Automatic MPI application transformation with ASPhALT
Dasu, Aravind A Reconfigurable Load Balancing Architecture for Molecular Dynamics
Davidson, Jack W. Virtual Execution Environments: Support and Tools
de Melo, Alba Cristina M. A. Reconfigurable Architecture for Biological Sequence Comparison in Reduced Memory Space Reduced Memory Space
de Supinski, Bronis R. Scalable Compression and Replay of Communication Traces in Massively Parallel Environments
Stack Trace Analysis for Large Scale Debugging
Deconinck, Geert Fault-Tolerant Earliest-Deadline-First Scheduling Algorithm in Uniprocessor Embedded Systems
Deelman, Ewa Intelligent Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Applications
Dehne, Frank Implementing OLAP Query Fragment Aggregation and Recombination for the OLAP Enabled Grid
Delahaye, Jean-philippe Managing dynamic reconfiguration on MIMO Decoder
Delbe, Christian Towards Deployment Contracts in Large Scale Clusters & Desktop Grids
Demir, Onur Securing Grid Data Transfer Services with Active Network Portals
Deng, Qingxu Improved Schedulability Analysis of EDF Scheduling on Reconfigurable Hardware
Dennis, John M. Inverse Space-Filling Curve Partitioning of a Global Ocean Model
Depardon, Benjamin Cosmological Simulations using Grid Middleware
Derby, Jeff Porting the GROMACS Molecular Dynamics Code to the Cell Processor
Devine, Karen D. Hypergraph-based Dynamic Load Balancing for Adaptive Scientific Computations
Devulapalli, Ananth File Creation Strategies in a Distributed Metadata File System
Dewri, Rinku Towards Optimal Multi-level Tiling for Stencil Computations
Dillenberger, Donna N. Predicting the Effect on Performance of Container-Managed Persistence in a Distributed Enterprise Application
Dimitroulakos, Gregory Speedups and Energy Savings of Microprocessor Platforms with a Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Data-Path
Dimitrov, Yuri A combinatorial model for self-organizing networks
Dinan, James Dynamic Load Balancing of Unbalanced Computations Using Message Passing
Ding, Chen A Key-based Adaptive Transactional Memory Executor
Distefano, Salvatore Dependability Modeling and Analysis in Dynamic Systems
Diwan, Amer Understanding Measurement Perturbation in Trace-Based Data
Doallo, Ramón High Performance Java Sockets for Parallel Computing on Clusters
Dobrev, Stefan Scattered Black Hole Search in an Oriented Ring using Tokens
Dolev, Danny Accelerating Distributed Computing Applications Using a Network Offloading Framework
Domany, Tamar Encompass: Managing Functionality
Domas, Stéphane CRAC: a Grid Environment to Solve Scientific Applications with Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms
Domaschka, Jörg Revisiting Deterministic Multithreading Strategies
Dong, Fangpeng PFAS: A Resource-Performance-Fluctuation-Aware Workflow Scheduling Algorithm for Grid Computing
Dongarra, Jack Revisiting Matrix Product on Master-Worker Platforms
Self Adaptive Application Level Fault Tolerance for Parallel and Distributed Computing
Dorronsoro, Bernabé Efficient Batch Job Scheduling in Grids using Cellular Memetic Algorithms
Douglas, Chase A Model and Prototype of a Resource-Efficient Storage Server for High-Bitrate Video-on-Demand
Douglis, Fred Storage Optimization for Large-Scale Distributed Stream Processing Systems
Drosinos, Nikolaos Coarse-grain Parallel Execution for 2-dimensional PDE Problems
Drougas, Yannis Distributed, Reliable Restoration Techniques using Wireless Sensor Devices
RASC: Dynamic Rate Allocation for Distributed Stream Processing Applications
Duato, J. Deadline-based QoS Algorithms for High-performance Networks
Deterministic versus Adaptive Routing in Fat-Trees
Efficient Switches with QoS Support for Clusters
Dube, Parijat Performance Studies of a WebSphere Application, Trade, in Scale-out and Scale-up Environments
Dubois, Lionel Eyraud Analysis of Scheduling Algorithms with Reservations
Dubois, Michel STAMP: A Universal Algorithmic Model for Next-Generation Multithreaded Machines and Systems
Duchene, Michael Speedup using Flowpaths for a Finite Difference Solution of a 3D Parabolic PDE
Duigou, Mike Performance scalability of the JXTA P2P framework
Dunham, Maitreya Scalable, Dynamic Analysis and Visualization for Genomic Datasets
Dutt, Nikil Annotation Integration and Trade-off Analysis for Multimedia Applications
Eames, Brandon A Reconfigurable Load Balancing Architecture for Molecular Dynamics
Eigenmann, Rudolf Open Internet-based Sharing for Desktop Grids in iShare
Programming Distributed Memory Sytems Using OpenMP
Eisenhardt, Sven Optimization of Area and Performance by Processor-Like Reconfiguration
Ekanayake, Jaliya A Scalable Approach for the Secure and Authorized Tracking of the Availability of Entities in Distributed Systems
El-boghdadi, Hatem M. Code Generation: On the Scheduling of DAGs Using Worm-Partition
Miss Ratio Improvement For Real-Time Applications Using Fragmentation-Aware Placement
Power-Aware Routing for Well-Nested Communications On The Circuit Switched Tree
Elfarag, Ahmed Abou Miss Ratio Improvement For Real-Time Applications Using Fragmentation-Aware Placement
El-ghazawi, Tarek Experimental Evaluation of Emerging Multi-core Architectures
Elhadef, Mourad An Adaptive Fault Identification Protocol for an Emergency/Rescue-Based Wireless and Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
Elkadiki, Hicham An Adaptive Fault Identification Protocol for an Emergency/Rescue-Based Wireless and Mobile Ad-Hoc Network
Elnozahy, Elmootazbellah Five Years with the High Productivity Computing Systems Program --- A Perspective
El-rewini, Hesham Autonomic Power and Performance Management for Large Scale Data Centers
Emmerich, Wolfgang Predictive Resource Scheduling in Computational Grids
Endo, Toshio ABARIS: An Adaptable Fault Detection/Recovery Component Framework for MPIs
Engelmann, Christian A Job Pause Service under LAM/MPI+BLCR for Transparent Fault Tolerance
Epperly, Thomas Babel Remote Method Invocation
Erdil, Deger Cenk Proxy-based Grid Information Dissemination
Erdogan, Ahmet Code Compression and Decompression for Instruction Cell Based Reconfigurable Systems
Ernst, Rolf Improved Output Jitter Calculation for Compositional Performance Analysis of Distributed Systems
Eslamnour, Behdis A Probabilistic Approach to Measuring Robustness in Computing Systems
Estrada, Trilce Moving Volunteer Computing towards Knowledge-Constructed, Dynamically-Adaptive Modeling and Scheduling
Ethier, Stephane Scientific Application Performance on Candidate PetaScale Platforms