Faes, Philippe Mobility of Data in Distributed Hybrid Computing Systems
Falsafi, Babak PROTOFLEX: FPGA-accelerated Hybrid Functional Simulator
Faltemier, Timothy C. Challenges in Executing Data Intensive Biometric Workloads on a Desktop Grid
Fathy, Mahmood Evaluating the Performance of Adaptive Fault-Tolerant Routing
Feng, Guofu Replication Strategy in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Systems
Feng, Wu-chun Green Supercomputing in a Desktop Box
Feng, Xizhou Building the Tree of Life on Terascale Systems
Feo, John Probability Convergence in a Multithreaded Counting Application
Fernández-zepeda, José Alberto Average Execution Time Analysis of a Self-stabilizing Leader Election Algorithm
Constant Time Simulation of an R-Mesh on an LR-Mesh
Fernandez, Jean-claude Using Speed Diagrams for Symbolic Quality Management
Fernandez, Juan Multicore Surprises: Lessons Learned from Optimizing Sweep3D on the Cell Broadband Engine
Ferrán, Jose María Valls Time Series Forecasting by means of Evolutionary Algorithms
Ferrari, Alberto A Flexible Scheme for Scheduling Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Tasks on Multiprocessors
Fiebig, Thomas High-Level Synthesis of HW Tasks Targeting Run-Time Reconfigurable FPGAs
Fields, Parks A Cost-Effective, High Bandwidth Server I/O network Architecture for Cluster Systems
Figueiredo, Renato Adaptive Predictor Integration for System Performance Prediction
Decentralized Dynamic Host Configuration in Wide-Area Overlays of Virtual Workstations
Filgueira, Rosa Optimization and evaluation of parallel I/O in BIPS3D parallel irregular application
Filho, Tarcísio M. Rocha Performance evaluation of two parallel programming paradigms applied to the symplectic integrator running on COTS PC cluster
Finta, Lucian Real-Time Distributed Scheduling of Precedence Graphs on Arbitrary Wide Networks
Fisher, Nathan Static-Priority Scheduling and Resource Hold Times
Fleischer, Lisa Storage Optimization for Large-Scale Distributed Stream Processing Systems
Fleury, Eric Topology-Transparent Duty Cycling for Wireless Sensor Networks
Flores, David A. Moving Volunteer Computing towards Knowledge-Constructed, Dynamically-Adaptive Modeling and Scheduling
Flynn, Patrick J. Challenges in Executing Data Intensive Biometric Workloads on a Desktop Grid
Fossum, Gordon Multicore Surprises: Lessons Learned from Optimizing Sweep3D on the Cell Broadband Engine
Foster, Ian GridCopy: Moving Data Fast on the Grid
Foster, Ian A Scalable Cluster Algorithm for Internet Resources
Fox, Geoffrey A Scalable Approach for the Secure and Authorized Tracking of the Availability of Entities in Distributed Systems
Francia, Guillermo Self Adaptive Application Level Fault Tolerance for Parallel and Distributed Computing
Freeh, Vincent W. Determining the Minimum Energy Consumption using Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling
Freeh, Vincent W. Scaling and Packing on a Chip Multiprocessor
French, Robert Steven RF2ID: A Reliable Middleware Framework for RFID Deployment
Frieder, Ophir Masked Queries for Search Accuracy in Peer-to-Peer File-Sharing Systems
Frings, Wolfgang Automatic Trace-Based Performance Analysis of Metacomputing Applications
Froihofer, Lorenz Availability/Consistency Balancing Replication Model
Fuhrmann, Thomas Using Linearization for Global Consistency in SSR
Furmento, Nathalie NewMadeleine: a Fast Communication Scheduling Engine for High Performance Networks
Furtado, Pedro Hardware Capacity Evaluation in Shared-Nothing Data Warehouses
Góes, Luís F. W. A Configuration Control Mechanism Based on Concurrency Level for a Reconfigurable Consistency Algorithm
Gabay, Yarom Scalable, Distributed, Dynamic Resource Management for the ARMS Distributed Real-Time Embedded System
Gabriel, Edgar Runtime Optimization of Application Level Communication Patterns
Galanis, Michalis D. Speedups and Energy Savings of Microprocessor Platforms with a Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Data-Path
Gan, Ge Exploring a Multithreaded Methodology to Implement a Network Communication Protocol on the Cyclops-64 Multithreaded Architecture
Ganame, Abdoul Karim A Global Security Architecture for Intrusion Detection on Computer Networks
Ganguly, Arijit Decentralized Dynamic Host Configuration in Wide-Area Overlays of Virtual Workstations
Gao, Guang R. Automatic Program Segment Similarity Detection in Targeted Program Performance Improvement
Experience of Optimizing FFT on Intel Architectures
Exploring a Multithreaded Methodology to Implement a Network Communication Protocol on the Cyclops-64 Multithreaded Architecture
On the Role of Deterministic Fine-Grain Data Synchronization for Scientific Applications: A Revisit in the Emerging Many-Core Era
Optimizing the Fast Fourier Transform on a Multi-core Architecture
ParalleX: A Study of A New Parallel Computation Model
García, José Manuel Leakage Energy Reduction in Value Predictors through Static Decay
Garzaran, Maria Jesus Optimizing Sorting with Machine Learning Algorithms
Gaudiot, Jean-luc Architectural Support for Network Applications on Simultaneous MultiThreading Processors
Scheduling in the Z-Polyhedral Model
Ge, Rong Power-Aware Speedup
Geimer, Markus Automatic Trace-Based Performance Analysis of Metacomputing Applications
Gellersen, Hans On the Security of Ultrasound as Out-of-band Channel
Genaud, Stephane Experiments in running a scientific MPI application on Grid'5000
Gerlach, Sebastian Decomposing Partial Order Execution Graphs to Improve Message Race Detection
Getov, Vladimir Performance and Scalability of a Component-Based Grid Application
Ghiasi, Soraya Power, Performance, and Thermal Management for High-Performance Systems
Ghose, Kanad Securing Grid Data Transfer Services with Active Network Portals
Ghosh, S K Security Threat Prediction in a Local Area Network Using Statistical Model
Ghoting, Amol Knowledge and Cache Conscious Algorithm Design and Systems Support for Data Mining Algorithms
Gil, Yolanda Intelligent Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Applications
Gilabert, F. Deterministic versus Adaptive Routing in Fat-Trees
Giovine, Carlo A combinatorial model for self-organizing networks
Glikson, Alex Encompass: Managing Functionality
Glimcher, Leonid A Performance Prediction Framework for Grid-Based Data Mining Applications
Goeschka, Karl M. Availability/Consistency Balancing Replication Model
Gokhale, Aniruddha S. Model-Driven Performance Analysis Methodology for Distributed Software Systems
Gokhale, Swapna S. Model-Driven Performance Analysis Methodology for Distributed Software Systems
Goldshmidt, Oleg Encompass: Managing Functionality
Golubchik, Leana Identifying and Addressing Uncertainty in Architecture-Level Software Reliability Modeling
Gombás, Gábor SZTAKI Desktop Grid: a Modular and Scalable Way of Building Large Computing Grids
Gomez, C. Deterministic versus Adaptive Routing in Fat-Trees
Gomez, M. E. Deterministic versus Adaptive Routing in Fat-Trees
Goncalves, Ronaldo A. L. Implementing and Evaluating Automatic Checkpointing
Goodale, Tom Scientific Application Performance on Candidate PetaScale Platforms
Gopalakrishnan, Ganesh L. Formal Analysis for Debugging and Performance Optimization of MPI
Gordon, Mark S. Integrating Performance Tools with Large-Scale Scientific Software
Goumas, Georgios Coarse-grain Parallel Execution for 2-dimensional PDE Problems
Goutis, Costas E. Speedups and Energy Savings of Microprocessor Platforms with a Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Data-Path
Govindarajan, Ramaswamy Packet Reordering in Network Processors
Govindaraju, Madhusudhan Securing Grid Data Transfer Services with Active Network Portals
Govindasamy, Sudha Measuring the Robustness of Resource Allocations in a Stochastic Dynamic Environment
Goyal, Ayush An Optimizing Compiler for Parallel Chemistry Simulations
Goyder, Matthew Knowledge and Cache Conscious Algorithm Design and Systems Support for Data Mining Algorithms
Grant, Ryan E. A Comprehensive Analysis of OpenMP Applications on Dual-Core Intel Xeon SMPs
Gray, Jeff Model-Driven Performance Analysis Methodology for Distributed Software Systems
Grelck, Clemens Coordinating Data Parallel SAC Programs with S-Net
Grider, Gary A Cost-Effective, High Bandwidth Server I/O network Architecture for Cluster Systems
Grimeland, Martin Formal Analysis of Time-Dependent Cryptographic Protocols in Real-Time Maude
Grinspun, Eitan SimX meets SCIRun: A Component-based Implementation of a Computational Study System
Gropp, William Nonuniformly Communication Noncontiguous Data: A Case Study with PETSc and MPI
Grosu, Daniel A Strategyproof Mechanism for Scheduling Divisible Loads in Linear Networks
Grosu, Radu Model Predictive Control for Memory Profiling
Grunberg, Marc Experiments in running a scientific MPI application on Grid'5000
Gu, Qing Replication Strategy in Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Systems
Gu, Zhimin IntraCache: An Interest group-based P2P Web Caching System
Gu, Zonghua Improved Schedulability Analysis of EDF Scheduling on Reconfigurable Hardware
Guan, Nan Improved Schedulability Analysis of EDF Scheduling on Reconfigurable Hardware
Guha, Apala Virtual Execution Environments: Support and Tools
Guo, Fei Supporting Quality of Service in High-Performance Servers
Gupta, Neelam ExPert: Dynamic Analysis Based Fault Location via Execution Perturbations
Gupta, Rajiv ExPert: Dynamic Analysis Based Fault Location via Execution Perturbations
Gupta, Sandeep K. S. Energy-Aware Self-Stabilization in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: A Multicasting Case Study
Gusat, Mitchell Speculative Flow Control for High-Radix Datacenter Interconnect Routers
Hölzenspies, Philip K. F. Using an FPGA for Fast Bit Accurate SoC Simulation
Hübner, Michael Communication Architectures for Dynamically Reconfigurable FPGA Designs
Hack, Michel Almost Peer-to-Peer Clock Synchronization
Hagersten, Erik Conserving Memory Bandwidth in Chip Multiprocessors with Runahead Execution
Hakem, Mourad Real-Time Distributed Scheduling of Precedence Graphs on Arbitrary Wide Networks
Hall, Cyrus Spinneret: A Log Random Substrate for P2P Networks
Hall, Mary Intelligent Optimization of Parallel and Distributed Applications
Model-Guided Empirical Optimization for Multimedia Extension Architectures: A Case Study
Hall, Robert A Comparison of Dag-Scheduling Strategies for Internet-Based Computing
Hamez, Alexandre libDMC: a Library to Operate Efficient Distributed Model Checking
Hammond, Simon D. Distributed Broadcast Scheduling in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Unknown Topologies
Predicting the Effect on Performance of Container-Managed Persistence in a Distributed Enterprise Application
Han, Jinsong Popularity Adaptive Search in Hybrid P2P Systems
Pseudo Trust: Zero-Knowledge Based Authentication in Anonymous Peer-to-Peer Protocols
Hanna, Darrin M. Speedup using Flowpaths for a Finite Difference Solution of a 3D Parabolic PDE
Hanson, Heather Power, Performance, and Thermal Management for High-Performance Systems
Hanzalek, Zdenek Integrated Environment for Embedded Control Systems Design
Harfoush, Khaled On the Design of Online Scheduling Algorithms for Advance Reservations and QoS in Grids
Hariri, Salim Autonomic Power and Performance Management for Large Scale Data Centers
Harmon, Trevor A Survey of Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis for Real-Time Java
Toward a Unified Standard for Worst-Case Execution Time Annotations in Real-Time Java
Harthikote-matha, Manjukumar Towards Optimal Multi-level Tiling for Stencil Computations
Hatanaka, Akira A Modulo Scheduling Algorithm for a Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Array Template
Hauck, Franz J. Revisiting Deterministic Multithreading Strategies
Hauswirth, Matthias Understanding Measurement Perturbation in Trace-Based Data
Hazelwood, Kim Virtual Execution Environments: Support and Tools
He, Yuxiong Adaptive Scheduling with Parallelism Feedback
Head, Michael R. Securing Grid Data Transfer Services with Active Network Portals
Healy, Patrick Applying Ant Colony Optimization Metaheuristic to the DAG Layering Problem
Heaphy, Robert Hypergraph-based Dynamic Load Balancing for Adaptive Scientific Computations
Heffner, M. DejaVu: Transparent User-Level Checkpointing, Migration, and Recovery for Distributed Systems
The Adaptive Code Kitchen: Flexible Tools for Dynamic Application Composition
Hendrickson, Bruce Analyzing the Scalability of Graph Algorithms on Eldorado
Software and Algorithms for Graph Queries on Multithreaded Architectures
Henia, Rafik Improved Output Jitter Calculation for Compositional Performance Analysis of Distributed Systems
Herault, Thomas A Model for Large Scale Self-stabilization
Hereld, Mark ParalleX: A Study of A New Parallel Computation Model
Hersch, Roger D. Decomposing Partial Order Execution Graphs to Improve Message Race Detection
Hibbs, Matthew Scalable, Dynamic Analysis and Visualization for Genomic Datasets
Hickey, Jason The Mojave Compiler: Providing Language Primitives for Whole-Process Migration and Speculation for Distributed Applications
Hildrum, Kirsten Storage Optimization for Large-Scale Distributed Stream Processing Systems
Hiser, Jason D. Virtual Execution Environments: Support and Tools
Hoare, Raymond R. Linking Compilation and Visualization for Massively Parallel Programs
Hobson, Peter R. A Study of Publish/Subscribe Systems for Real-Time Grid Monitoring
Hoe, James C. PROTOFLEX: FPGA-accelerated Hybrid Functional Simulator
Hoefler, Torsten A practically constant-time MPI Broadcast Algorithm for large-scale InfiniBand Clusters with Multicast
Hoefler, Torsten Low-Overhead LogGP Parameter Assessment for Modern Interconnection Networks
Hoffmann, Rolf Implementing Hirschberg's PRAM-Algorithm for Connected Components on a Global Cellular Automaton
Holsmark, Rickard Exploiting Communication Concurrency for Efficient Deadlock Free Routing in Reconfigurable NoC Platforms
Holzmann, Gerard J. Multi-Core Model Checking with SPIN
Hoos, Holger A Parallel Workflow for Real-time Correlation and Clustering of High-Frequency Stock Market Data
Horvath, Tibor Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Multi-tierWeb Server Clusters via Prioritization
Hou, Jennifer C. J-Sim: An Integrated Environment for Simulation and Model Checking of Network Protocols
Houri, Manal Autonomic Power and Performance Management for Large Scale Data Centers
Hsu, Chung-hsing Green Supercomputing in a Desktop Box
Hsu, Wen-Jing Adaptive Scheduling with Parallelism Feedback
Hu, Chengchen Route Table Partitioning and Load Balancing for Parallel Searching with TCAMs
Hu, Lei Pseudo Trust: Zero-Knowledge Based Authentication in Anonymous Peer-to-Peer Protocols
Hu, Yiming A Landmark-based Index Architecture for General Similarity Search in Peer-to-Peer Networks
Making Peer-to-Peer Anonymous Routing Resilient to Failures
Hu, Ziang Exploring a Multithreaded Methodology to Implement a Network Communication Protocol on the Cyclops-64 Multithreaded Architecture
On the Role of Deterministic Fine-Grain Data Synchronization for Scientific Applications: A Revisit in the Emerging Many-Core Era
Optimizing the Fast Fourier Transform on a Multi-core Architecture
Huai, Jinpeng Pseudo Trust: Zero-Knowledge Based Authentication in Anonymous Peer-to-Peer Protocols
Huang, Chenxi A Study of Publish/Subscribe Systems for Real-Time Grid Monitoring
Huang, Jian Scalable Distributed Execution Environment for Large Data Visualization
Huang, Shuo Runtime Optimization of Application Level Communication Patterns
Huang, Tai-yi A Near-optimal Solution for the Heterogeneous Multi-processor Single-level Voltage Setup Problem
Huang, Wei Designing Efficient Asynchronous Memory Operations Using Hardware Copy Engine: A Case Study with I/OAT
Huedo, Eduardo Management of Virtual Machines on Globus Grids Using GridWay
Hunsaker, Brady Interconnect Customization for a Coarse-grained Reconfigurable Fabric
Hursey, Joshua The Design and Implementation of Checkpoint/Restart Process Fault Tolerance for Open MPI
Hwang, Kai Distributed Aggregation Algorithms with Load-Balancing for Scalable Grid Resource Monitoring
Gossip-based Reputation Aggregation for Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Networks
Recent Advances in Trusted Grids and Peer-to-Peer Computing Systems