![]() System Exploration SoC Architecture Explorer Takeshi Shiro University of Osaka - Japan Mapping of Electronical System Level (ESL) Models into Implementation Tommy Baumann, Horst Salzwedel University of Ilmenau - Germany YARDstick: Automation tool for custom processor development Nikolaos Kavvadias, Spiridon Nikolaidis University of Thessaloniki - Greece TTool for DIPLODOCUS: An Environment for Design Space Exploration Ludovic Apvrille Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Paris - France MORPHEUS: Multi-purOSe dynamically Reconfigurable Platform for intensive HEterogeneoUS processing Matthias Kühnle, Florian Thoma, Michael Hübner, Jürgen Becker University of Karlsruhe - Germany Performance Exploration with MLDesigner using Standardized Communication Interfaces Tommy Baumann, Alexander Pacholik, Horst Salzwedel University of Ilmenau - Germany GRAPES System Explorer Gianluca Palermo, Matteo Monchiero, Oreste Villa, Cristina Silvano Politecnico di Milano - Italy Fast Instruction Cache Analyzer Software Tool Nikolaos Kroupis, Alexandros Bartzas, Stylianos Mamagkakis, Dimitrios Soudris University of Thrace - Greece ![]() High Level Synthesis Comrade - A Compiler for Adaptative Systems Hagen Gädke, Andreas Koch University of Braunschweig - Germany IMEM: A C++ High-Level Synthesis Tool for FPGA based Real-Time Video Processing Systems Najeem Lawal, Benny Thörnberg, Mattias O’Nils University of Sundsvall - Sweden OSSS+R: Simulation and Synthesis of Self-Adaptative Systems Philipp A. Hartmann, Andreas Schallenberg, Frank Oppenheimer, Wolfgang Nebel OFFIS Institute - University of Oldenburg - Germany Workcraft: A Static Data Flow Structure Editing, Visualisation and Analysis Tool Ivan Poliakov, Danil Sokolov, Andrey Mokhov, Alex Yakovlev University of Newcastle - United Kingdom GAUT: High Level Synthesis - From C to RTL Pierre Bomel University de Bretagne Sud - France UPAK: Abstract Unified Pattern Based Synthesis Kernel for Hardware and Software Systems Christophe Wolinski, Krzysztof Kuchcinski, Adam Postula University of Rennes - France CandoGen: A Property-based Model Generator Martin Schickel, Volker Nimbler, Martin Braun, Hans Eveking University of Darmstadt - Germany ![]() System Analysis Simulation & Verification Enhancement of Statechart-Modelling: the Kiel Environment Steffen Prochnow, Reinhard von Hanxleden University of of Kiel - Germany Performance Analysis of Tightly Coupled Multiprocessor Systems with SymTA/S S. Schliecker, R.Henia, A. Hammann, R. Racu, J. Rox, M. Sebastian, S. Stein, R. Ernst University of Braunschweig - Germany DECIDER: Test and Verification at the Register-Transfer Level Jaan Raik, Maksim Jenihhin, Raimund Ubar University of Tallinn - Estonia HIFSuite: Tools for HDL Code Manipulation Giuseppe Di Guglielmo, Franco Fummi, Graziano Pravadelli, Francesco Stefanni University of Verona – Italy NEX : A Network Emulator boX to support the design of networked systems Stefano Cailotto, Franco Fummi, Davide Quaglia, Walter Vendraminetto University of Verona - Italy OTAWA: Open Tool for Adaptative WCET Analysis Hughes Cassé, Christine Rochange University of Toulouse - France Constraint Verification Using a Constraint Engineering System André Schäfer, J. Freuer, K. Hahn, W. Nebel, R. Brück University of Siegen - Germany INTEREST (Integrating European Embedded Systems Tools) Eric Bantegnie, Christian Ferdinand, Ulrich Freund, Paolo Gai, Marek Jersak, Dusan Kolar, Roman Pallierer Esterel Technologies - Germany ![]() SoC Platform Rapid Industrial Prototyping Heterogenous Plate-form : 3G/4G Wireless Systems Fabienne Nouvel, Arnaud Massiani, Christophe Le Guellaut INSA de Rennes - France RESUME’s Wavelet-Based Scalable Video Decoder Hendrik Eeckhaut, Mark Christiaens, Harald Devos, Philippe Faes, Dirk Stroobandt University of Ghent - Belgium Light-Weight, Predictable Reactive Processing: the Kiel Esterel Processor Xin Li, Reinhard von Hanxleden University of Kiel - Germany NoCRay, an FPGA Network-on-Chip based MP-SoC for Graphics Ray-tracing Applications Sergio Tota, Mario Roberto Casu, Paolo Motto, Massimo Ruo Roch, Maurizio Zamboni Politecnico di Torino - Italy INDRA: Integrated Design Flow for Reconfigurable Architectures Jens Hagemeyer, Boris Kettelhoit, Markus Koester, Mario Porrmann University of Paderborn - Germany Real-Time Multiprocessor SoC for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Thorsten Jungeblut, Matthias Grünewald, Mario Porrmann, Ulrich Rückert University of Paderborn - Germany MOVES: A Tool for Modelling and Verification of Embedded Systems J. Ellebaek, K. S. Knudsen, A. Brekling, M. R. Hansen, J. Madsen University of Danemark - Danemark FAUST, an Asynchronous Network-on-Chip based Architecture for Telecom Applications Pascal Vivet, Didier Lattard, Fabien Clermidy, Edith Beigne, Christian Bernard, Yves Durand, Jean Durupt, Didier Varreau CEA-LETI Grenoble - France ![]() Design & Tools for FPGA A Tool Flow for Design Space Exploration of Partially Re-configurable Processors K. Karuri, A. Chattopadhyay, S. Kraemer, R. Leupers, G. Ascheid, H. Meyr University of Aachen - Germany Generalized Platform for Sensor Data Processing D. Kriesten, M. Roessler, B. Berger, A. Fross, D. Fross, S. Goller, T. Leibelt, U. Heinkel University of Chemnitz - Germany Application-Domain Specific Reconfigurable FPGA Platform : An Integrated Hardware and Software Design Approach Kostas Siozios, Dimitrios Soudris University of Thrace - Greece Transparent Object Integration in Distributed H/S Systems F. Rincón, J. Barba, F. Moya, J. Dondo, D. Villa, F.J. Villanueva, J.C. López University of Castilla-La Mancha - Spain Partial Run-Time Reconfiguration Based on Distributed Objects F. Rincón, J. Barba, F. Moya, J. Dondo, D. Villa, F.J. Villanueva, J.C. López University of Castilla-La Mancha - Spain The Demonstration of Low-power High-performance H.264 Decoder with Rapid SoC Prototyping Platform Sangkwon Na, Woong Hwangbo, Jaemoon Kim, Sheunghan Lee, Chong-Min Kyung Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology - South Korea Partial Run-Time Reconfiguration of a Bit-Serial Architecture Achim Rettberg, Florian Dittmann, Stefan Frank, Elmar Weber, Raphael Weber University of Paderborn - Germany Design of a Hardware Multiprocessor Real-Time Operating System Fabrice Muller, Farooq Muhammad, Michel Auguin University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis - France ![]() SystemC The VISION Project: SysXplorer (FZI) Joachim Gerlach, Oliver Bringmann Robert Bosch, FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik - Germany UT SystemC Studio Reihaneh Saberi, Amir Masoud Gharehbaghi, Parisa Razaghi, Anahita Naghilou, Zainalabedin Navabi University of Tehran - Iran UT Mixed-Signal Simulator Hamidreza Ghasemi, Amir Masoud Gharehbaghi, Arezoo Kamran, Sheih Abolmaali, Zainalabedin Navabi University of Tehran - Iran SCope: SoC Co-simulation and Performance Estimation in SystemC Héctor Posadas, David Quijano, Eugenio Villar, Marcos Martínez University of Cantabria - Spain SystemCoDesigner – The System Level Hardware-Software-Co-Design Tool J. Falk, J. Gladigau, M. Glaß, C. Haubelt, S. Helwig, J. Keinert, M. Lukasiewycz, T. Schlichter, T. Streichert, M. Streubühr, J. Teich University of Erlangen-Nuremberg - Germany SoCBase-DE: A SystemC-based Multimedia System Design Environment Sanggyu Park, Sangyong Yoon, Dosun Hong, Soo-Ik Chae University of Seoul - South Korea Visualized SystemC Debugging Christian Genz, Frank Rogin, Rolf Drechsler, Steffen Rülke University of Bremen/Fraunofer IIS - Germany ![]() Mixed Signal + Hardware Solutions & Test Data Converter BIST Development Tools Ian Grout, Thomas O’Shea, Jeffrey Ryan University of Limerick - Ireland High-Pass Sigma-Delta Modulator Van Tam Nguyen, Hervé Petit, Patrick Loumeau, Jean-François Naviner Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Paris - France Mixed-Signal Clock-Skew Calibrator for Time-Interleaved Analog-to-Digital Converters David Camarero, Karim Benkalaia, Jean-François Naviner, Patrick Loumeau Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications de Paris - France Specification Validation of multistandard transceivers Benjamin Nicolle, Alexandre Lewicki, William Tatinian, Gilles Jacquemod University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis - France Configuration Tool and FPGA-Prototype of a Hardware Packet Processing System Stephan Kubisch, Harald Widiger, Peter Danielis, Dirk Timmermann, Christian Lange, Olivier Roewer, Daniel Duchow, Thomas Bahls University of Rostock - Germany Automatic Constraint Based Test Generation for Behavioral HDL Models Siva Kumar Sastry Hari, Vishnu Vardhan Reddy Konda, V. Kamakoti, V.M. Vedula, M. Kailashnath University of Madras - India Using Wireless Sensor Networks for an Interactive Musical Application Jorge Portilla, Ana Belen Abril, Teresa Riesgo University of Madrid - Spain CAD tools dedicated to the design and test of RFICs Yann Deval, Thierry Taris, Alexandre Shirakawa, Olivier Mazouffre, Vincent Pouget, Eric Kerhervé, Dean Lewis, Jean-Baptiste Bégueret University of Bordeaux - France ![]() Power Management & Estimation SoftExplorer Johann Laurent, Deepak Shankar University of Bretagne Sud - France Hyperion: A Sensor Node Test Bed for (High-Speed) Power Measurements Dominic Hillenbrand, Michael Mende, Timothy Armstrong, Joerg Henkel Univeristy of Karlsruhe - Germany Wire Topology Optimization fot Low Power (TopCool and TopCool Viewer) Paul Zuber, Robert Hartl, Thomas Ilnseher, Walter Stechele University of Munich - Germany The Power Analysis Tool for an Embedded Systems Development Board Liang-Bi Chen, Tsung-Sheng Huang, Yueh-Ting Hsieh, Chien-Hung Chen, Yen-Ling Chen, Ing-Jer Huang University of Kaohsiung - Taiwan - Republic of China LEMOS Project: Low-Power Design Methods for Mobile Systems Milan Schulte, Wolfgang Nebel, Ralf Pferdmenges OFFIS Institure - Infineao Technologies - Germany PowerComposer Demo: Software-level Power Estimation for TI C5510 DSPs Chris Bleakley, Jose Rizo-Morente, Miguel Casas-Sanchez University College Dublin - Ireland ![]() DFM + Test & Yield Solutions False Path Search Tool Kit Fan Zhang University of Bremen - Germany IdEM & MpiLOG: Macromodeling Tools for System-Level Signal Integrity and EMC Assessment M. Bandinu, F. Canavero, S. Grivet-Talocia, I. S. Stievano Politecnico di Torino - Italy Monte Carlo Simulation with Novel Statistical Design Kit Wolfgang Schneider, Dirk Eichel, Michael Schröter, Holger Wittkopf Atmel GmbH - University of Dresden - Germany XSIM: An Efficient Simulator for Crosstalk Analysis between On-chip Interconnects Kishore K. Duganapalli, Ajoy K. Palit, Walter Anheier University of Bremen - Germany SiSMA: Simulator for Statistical Mismatch Analysis Giorgio Biagetti, Simone Orcioni, Alessandro Curzi, Paolo Crippa, Claudio Turchetti University of Ancona - Italy DefSim: the defective IC Witold Pleskacz, Artur Jutman, Raimund Ubar, Sergei Devadze University of Tallinn - Estonia A 3D Timing Driven Placement Tool Considering Placement and Timing of Interchip Vias Ole Ohlendorf, Markus Olbrich, Erich Barke University of Hannover - Germany ![]() |