Performance Modelling, Evaluation, and Optimisation of Parallel and Distributed Systems - PMEO
Workshop Introduction - PMEO
PMEO Keynote: Remove the Memory Wall: From performance modeling to architecture optimization Xian-he Sun
Performance Evaluation of Supercomputers using HPCC and IMB Benchmarks Subhash Saini, Robert Ciotti, Brian T. N. Gunney, Thomas E. Spelce, Alice Koniges, Don Dossa, Panagiotis Adamidis , Rolf Rabenseifner, Sunil R. Tiyyagura, Matthias Mueller, Rod Fatoohi
Multiprocessor on Chip : Beating the Simulation Wall Through Multiobjective Design Space Exploration with Direct Execution Riad Ben Mouhoub, Omar Hamami
LogfP - A Model for small Messages in InfiniBand Torsten Hoefler, Torsten Mehlan, Frank Mietke, Wolfgang Rehm
A Framework to Develop Symbolic Performance Models of Parallel Applications Sadaf R Alam, Jeffrey S Vetter
Cost Evaluation from Specifications for BSP Programs Virginia Niculescu
Performance Analysis of Stochastic Process Algebra Models using Stochastic Simulation Jeremy T. Bradley, Stephen T. Gilmore, Nigel Thomas
An Adaptive Dynamic Grid-based Approach to Data Distribution Management Azzedine Boukerche, Yunfeng Gu, Gen Huey Chenregina Araujo
Modelling Job Allocation where Service Duration is Unknown Nigel Thomas
A Simulator for Parallel Applications with Dynamically Varying Compute Node Allocation Basile Schaeli, Sebastian Gerlach, Roger D. Hersch
Comparison of MPI Benchmark Programs on an SGI Altix ccNUMA Shared Memory Machine Nor Asilah Wati Abdul Hamid, Paul Coddington, Francis Vaughan
Interconnect Performance Evaluation of SGI Altix 3700 BX2, Cray X1, Cray Opteron Cluster, and Dell PowerEdge Rod Fatoohi, Subhash Saini, Robert Ciotti
Towards Building a Highly-Available Cluster Based Model for High Performance Computing Azzedine Boukerche, Raed Al-shaikh, Mirela Sechi
Scheduling Heuristics for Efficient Broadcast Operations on Grid Environments Luiz Angelo Barchet- Steffenel, Grégory Mounie
Performance Evaluation of Scheduling Applications with DAG Topologies on Multiclusters with Independent Local Schedulers Ligang He, Stephen A. Jarvis, Daniel P. Spooner, Graham R. Nudd
On the Performance Analysis of Recursive Data Replication Scheme for File Sharing in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Devices Using the HyMIS Scheme Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis, Helen D. Karatza
A Design Environment for Mobile Applications Stephen Gilmore, Valentin Haenel, Jane Hillston, Jennifer Tenzer
Efficient Broadcasting of Safety Messages in Multihop Vehicular Networks Carla-fabiana Chiasserini, Rossano Gaeta, Michele Garetto, Marco Gribaudo, Matteo Sereno
Performance Analysis of the Reactor Pattern in Network Services Swapna Gokhale, Aniruddha Gokhale, Jeff Gray, Paul Vandal, Upsorn Praphamontripong
Performance Evaluation of an Enhanced Distributed Channel Access Protocol under Heterogeneous Traffic Mamun I. Abu-tair, Geyong Min
Performance Evaluation of Wormhole Routed Network Processor-Memory Interconnects Taskin Kocak, Jacob Engel
On the Probability Distribution of Busy Virtual Channels Nasser Alzeidi, Ahmed Khonsari, Mohamed Ould-khaoua, Lewis Mackenzie
A Comparative Performance Analysis of n-Cubes and Star Graphs Abbas Eslami Kiasari, Hamid Sarbazi-azad
Software-Based Fault-Tolerant Routing Algorithm in Multi-Demensional Networks F. Safaei, M. Rezazad, A. Khonsari, M. Fathy, M. Ould-khaoua, N. Alzeidi
A Systematic Multi-step Methodology for Performance Analysis of Communication Traces of Distributed Applications based on Hierarchical Clustering Gaby Aguilera, Patricia J. Teller, Michela Taufer, Felix Wolf
TPCC-UVa: An Open-Source TPC-C Implementation for Parallel and Distributed Systems Diego R. Llanos, Belén Palop
An Entropy-Based Algorithm for Time-Driven Software Instrumentation in Parallel Systems Ahmet Özmen
Analytical Performance Modelling of Partially Adaptive Routing in Hypercubes Ahmad Patooghy, Hamid Sarbazi-azad
Approximated Tensor Sum Preconditioner for Stochastic Automata Networks Abderezak Touzene
Using Stochastic Petri Nets for Performance Modelling of Application Servers Fábio N. Souza, Roberto D. Arteiro, Nelson S. Rosa, Paulo R. M. Maciel