General Information
- Date: Jan. 23-26, 2007
- January 23 (Tuesday):
- January 24 (Wednesday):
- Keynote Address I
Next-Generation Design and EDA Challenges: Small Physics, Big Systems, and Tall Tool-Chains, Prof. Rob A. Rutenbar, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, United States - Technical Sessions
- University Design Contest
- Keynote Address I
- January 25 (Thursday):
- Keynote Address II
Meeting with the Forthcoming IC Design -The Era of Power, Variability and NRE Explosion and a Bit of the Future-, Takayasu Sakurai, Center for Collaborative Research, and Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Japan - Technical Sessions
- Designers' Forum (Invited Talks, Panel Discussion)
- Keynote Address II
- January 26 (Friday):
- Keynote Address III
How Foundry can Help Improve your Bottom-Line? Accuracy Matters!, Fu-Chieh Hsu, Vice President of Design and Technology Platform, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Taiwan - Technical Sessions
- Designers' Forum (Invited Talks, Panel Discussion)
- Keynote Address III
- Place: Pacifico Yokohama
- 1-1-1 Minato Mirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama 220-0012, Japan
- General Chair: Hidetoshi Onodera (Kyoto Univ., Japan)
- Technical Program Chair: Yusuke Matsunaga (Kyushu Univ., Japan)
© 2007 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for
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IEEE Catalog Number: 07EX1525C (Print Version 07EX1525) ISBN: 1-4244-0630-7 (Print Verision 1-4244-0629-3) Library of Congress: 2006932317 [Technical Support Information] Conference Secretariat, Japan Electronics Show Association Email: aspdac2007@aspdac.com Phone: +81-3-5402-7601 Fax: +81-3-5402-7605 |