Dependable Parallel, Distributed and Network-Centric Systems - DPDNS
Workshop Introduction - DPDNS
Scalable Resilience - The ReSIST Network of Excellence Jean-Claude Laprie
Construction of Efficient OR-based Deletion-tolerant Coding Schemes Peter Sobe, Kathrin Peter
Analysis of Checksum-Based Execution Schemes for Pipelined Processors Bernhard Fechner
Web Server Protection by Customized Instruction Set Encoding Bernhard Fechner, Jörg Keller, Andreas Wohlfeld
Evaluating a Clock Synchronization for Dependable Sensor Networks Spiro Trikaliotis, Georg Lukas
Power-Dependable Transactions in Mobile Networks Ami Marowka, David Semé
Power Consumption Comparison for Regular Wireless Topologies using Fault-Tolerant Beacon Vector Routing Luke Demoracski, Dimiter R. Avresky
A Simulation Study of the Effects of Multi-path Approaches in e-Commerce Applications Paolo Romano, Francesco Quaglia, Bruno Ciciani
Plan-Based Replication for Fault-Tolerant Multi-Agent Systems Alessandro de Luna Almeida, Samir Aknine, Jean-Pierre Briot, Jacques Malenfant
Modeling User Perceived Unavailability due to Long Response Times Magnos Martinello, Mohamed Kaâniche, Karama Kanoun, Carlos Aguilar Melchor
Predicting Failures of Computer Systems: A Case Study for a Telecommunication System Felix Salfner, Michael Schieschke, Miroslaw Malek
Dynamic Resource Allocation of Computer Clusters with Probabilistic Workloads Marwan Sleiman, Lester Lipsky, Robert Sheahan