In this assignment, you will be developing a structural model for the
DCT chip in VHDL. You are provided with a primitive Register Transfer (RT)
component library. The VHDL model and the delay for each component is given.
You will be instantiating components from the library and developing
the chip model. You will learn the hierarchial design methodology in
structural VHDL by developing and simulating models for the DCT chip.
This assignment has 2 parts. The first part is due 1 week from now
(on June 3rd) and the second part is due 4 weeks from now (on June
12th, the last day the lab is open).
Structural Model
Figure 1: The DCT Chip
As shown in Figure 1, the structural view of the sequential
design is decomposed into two parts, namely controller and datapath.
The controller generates a set of control signals grouped as control
word which controls the datapath. The datapath send a status
word to the controller. The status signals helps in determining the
next state and control signals generated. In the DCT example, the
status word consists of the nine bits of the count register.
Datapath Routing
The top-level view of the DCT chip is shown in Figure 2. Note that
the entire design has been partitioned into a controller and a datapath.
The controller is in-turn modelled as shown in Figure 3. The
controller is a finite-state machine with a State Register (described in
the str.vhd file), Next State and Output Logic (described in
the logic.vhd file).
Figure 2: Hierarchical view of the DCT chip
Figure 3: The controller for the DCT chip
In the first part of this lab assignment, you are required to figure out
the datapath interconnections given the controller model and the
unconnected datapath shown in Figure 4 executing the behavior given
in Figure 5. You are required to finish an incomplete
datapath schematic drawn in Synopsys Schematic Editor. For this part you
just need to complete the schematic. All other parts of the DCT chip are
provided and are correct. Finish the wiring and generate the VHDL code
for the datapath. The code for the datapath can generated easily using
the Synopsys tools if the datapath has been wired correctly (as done in
the first tutorial assignment). Compile the code for the datapath, the
controller with the test bench together and observe the simulation
Figure 4: Unfinished Datapath schematic drawn in Synopsys Schematic Editor
Figure 5: ASM chart for the sequential behavior of the DCT chip
Performance Optimizations
In Lab assignment 2, you used Chaining, Multicycling and Loop
Unrolling to improve the performance. In Lab assignment 3, you used
Pipelining to further improve the performance of the design. In this
part, you will design and simulate a structural model for the
controller and the datapath for the best optimized DCT design that you developed in
assignment 3. You may need to change the datapath schematic
that you completed for part 1 of this assigment. The controller model
will then need to be changed inorder to provide the correct control
signals for the optimized design.
Assignment for Lab 4
- Familiarize yourself with the design (controller and datapath)
given in the Appendix.
- Study the VHDL model for each component given in the
Appendix and the files (ram.vhd, rom.vhd, reg.vhd, str.vhd etc.
Pay attention to the delay of each component. Study the higher level
models as well as their symbols. Understand the hierarchy of the
structural model of the DCT chip.
- Read the logic.vhd file carefully. This file has the Next State
and Output Logic for the controller. Go through these files and figure out
the wiring of the datapath schematic according to the given controller
- Write the structural model of the controller and the datapath
using components given and the diagrams provided. Use the Synopsys
Schematic Editor in the Synopsys Graphical Editor to wire the datapath
and generate the VHDL source code for the datapath.
- Generate the VHDL code for the wired datapath using the
appropriate commands in the Synopsys Graphical Environment, compile and simulate the design. In order to find all the critical
paths, determine the maximal delay and the minimal clock period to
execute your design.
Assignment for Lab 5
- Repeat Lab 4 for your best optimized design, from the
previous assignments, which is obtained via techniques like Loop Unrolling, Chaining, Multicycling and
- Modify the datapath schematic for the new design with the
optimizations that you come up with.
- Modifiy the controller to generate the correct control signals
for the new design. Add/remove components from the datapath of Lab 4
and change the component models if required.
Report for Lab 4
- Printout of the the complete wired datapath schematic (for the
sequential design without optimizations) along with 2 pages of
waveforsms that show the performance and correctness of the result.
- Do not submit any code that was not changed by you in this lab
- Mail an electronic copy of your VHDL code (datapath schematic)
to the TA.
- Give an estimate of the number of hours you spent inside
and outside the lab, including the write-up.
- Put your name and student ID on the submissions.
Report for Lab 5
- List all the optmization techniques that you have use for
improving performance.
- Sumbit the new datapath schematic and the VHDL code for the new
controller. If you modified the ports, delays, component symbols,
functionality of the component models given or any other files given
to you, document the modifications and submit the new compoment
model/VHDL code or whatever was changed.
- Do not submit any code that was not changed by you in this lab
- Mail an electronic copy of your VHDL code (datapath schematic
and the controller) to the TA.
- Write a short discussion on the optimizations done and the
performance of the chip versus hardware costs etc.
- Give an estimate of the number of hours you spent inside
and outside the lab, including the write-up.
- Put your name and student ID on the submissions.
Source Listing for Component Library
This file has the source code for the State Register used inside
the controller for storing the current state of the controller.
This file has the VHDL source code for the Next State and Output Logic used inside
the controller for determining the next state and output of the controller.