In this lab, you are provided with the VHDL behavioral model of the DCT chip you're going to model for the rest of this quarter.
A simple test bench with one test pattern is also provided. You are required to debug the model and understand the behavioral
modeling. You are also required to write another test pattern. This test pattern will be used in the other two labs.
Problem Specification
Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) is often a critical part in both still and motion picture compression. The definition of DCT for a
N × N image is as follows:
u, v = discrete frequency variables ( ).
f[m, n] = gray level of a pixel at position (m, n) of
N × N image ( ).
F[u, v] = Coefficient of point (u, v) in spatial frequency
As shown in the code below, DCT is basically two consecutive matrix
multiplications. In our design we will assume that N = 8. In this
case, C will be a 8 × 8 matrix defined as
Furthermore, let COS1 be integer matrix defined as
COS1 = round(factor * C)
and COS2 be its transpose:
Let f be the 8 × 8 input block of image, and F be
the output matrix, then
F = COS1 × f × COS2
int COS1[8][8], COS2[8][8];
void MatrixMult (int a[][8], int b[][8[], int c[][8]) {
register int i, j, k;
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
for (j=0; j<8; j++) {
c[i][j] = 0;
for (k=0; k<8; k++)
c[i][j] += a[i][k] * b[k][j];
void DCT (int f[][8], int F[][8]) {
int Temp[8][8];
MatrixMult(f, COS2, Temp);
MatrixMult(COS1, Temp, F);
Interface Specification
Figure 1: Block Diagram of DCT chip
As shown in Figure 1, the interface of the DCT chip
consists of a pair of hand-shake ports ``Start'', which indicate
the start of the computation, and ``Done'', which indicate the
end of the computation. The chip also has a input data port and
a output data port.
Figure 2: Timing Spec of DCT chip
Figure 2 shows the timing protocol. The image block is
inputed to the Din port on a cycle by cycle basis after the ``Start''
signal becomes equal to 1. Note that it takes 64 clock cycles for the
8 by 8 matrix. Similarly, the output data appears on the Dout port on
a cycle by cycle basis after the ``Done'' signal is equal to 1. Note
that it also takes 64 clock cycles for the 8 by 8 matrix to be
Testing Strategy
Generally speaking, our testing strategy is to include some
typical scenario and an exhaustive test of boundary conditions.
As for this particular DCT application, the computation is characterized by
nested loops and is rather regular, a careful selection of one input
matrix can cover most of problems concerned. VHDL assert statement
is used to specify the expected output, which is obtained by the
corresponding output of a C program.
The test matrix chosen here is an block which looks like a
sandwich. The cheese part is ``black'' with the gray level equal to 0,
while the rest is ``white'' with the gray level equal to 255. Note that
these are minimum and maximum gray levels the image can have.
255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255
VHDL Behavioral Model
The VHDL model developed here consists of a DCT entity which
models the DCT chip and a test bench.
The DCT entity has a clock port, two handshake ports Start
and Done, input data port Din and output data port Dout. Since the
bitwidth of the data will be determined later, we models
Din and Dout as integer types.
The testbench includes the DCT chip and a clock generator as its
components. It generates the handshake signals, then feeds the
test data into the chip, and finally verifies the output data.
Getting Started
Your Environment
Set up the environment for Synopsys VHDL tools by adding
``module load synopsys/2001.09'' in the .cshrc file
under your home directory if you have not done so yet.
Create a directory called WORK in your home directory, and create a
file called .synopsys_vss.setup in your home directory containing
the following five lines (make sure the last line is terminated by a newline):
Get the Source Code
Get the VHDL models by visiting the link below:
Analyze and Simulate
Compile the models as follows (note that the % denotes the UNIX
command prompt):
% vhdlan -nc -ccpath /opt/gcc-2.95.2/bin/gcc clock.vhd dct.vhd tb.vhd
NOTE: The files have to be compiled in the order specified!!,
i.e. if an entry declared in a file a.vhd is instantiated in
file b.vhd then b.vhd should be compiled AFTER a.vhd. If there is no compilation error, you can generate makefile and
simulate the circuit as follows:
% simdepends TB__TEST > makefile
% vhdldbx TB__TEST &
A simulation window will appear on the screen. This consists of 3 main
parts. The top region shows your VHDL code. The middle region is for
messages. The bottom line of the window is for command entry. Type in
the following command for simulation:
# trace *'sig
A new window will be launched with every top level signal name in it.
This window will display the waveforms generated as a result of the
# run 'number'
4000 is recommended for the 'number'.
Check the result in the wave window and see if there is any error
message in the message region. If there is an error in the DCT
component, it will generate incorrect results. Thus, the output will
not match the expected output, listed in the test bench. The message
region will list these as mis-match errors. If mismatches occur,
modify the VHDL file and recompile it in another window. After
recompilation, restart the simulation by selecting
Execute->Restart, then clicking OK if the TB__TEST
is selected already or after selecting this design. Then type the command
``run number'' in the simulation window as before.
You should observe that wrong results are generated after the Done
signal goes high and the debugger reports them as errors. Try to debug
the model and get the correct result.
Your Turn-in Report
- Point out the bugs in the source given and give your correct lines of
code. Do not submit your whole source listing. Briefly interpret the model and
- Compute F(u, v) for the second test pattern given below.
255 255 255 255 255 255 0 0
255 255 255 255 255 0 0 0
255 255 255 255 0 0 0 255
255 255 255 0 0 0 255 255
255 255 0 0 0 255 255 255
255 0 0 0 255 255 255 255
0 0 0 255 255 255 255 255
0 0 255 255 255 255 255 255
- Insert this pattern into the test bench.
- Verify that the VHDL model simulates properly for the two test
- Give an estimate of the number of hours you spent inside
and outside the lab, including the write-up.
- Put your name and student ID on the submissions.
Source Listing
VHDL model for a dct chip -
Test Bench -
Clock Generator -