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The 12th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference

Session 7D SPECIAL SESSION: Multi-Processor Platforms for Next Generation Embedded Systems
Time: 10:15 - 12:20 Friday, January 26, 2007
Location: Room 416+417
Chair: Nikil Dutt (Univ. of California, Irvine, United States)

7D-1 (Time: 10:15 - 10:35)
Title(Invited Paper) Configurable Multi-Processor Platforms for Next Generation Embedded Systems
Author*David Goodwin, Chris Rowen, Grant Martin (Tensilica, United States)
Pagepp. 744 - 746
Keywordprocessor, configurable, mpsoc, embedded
AbstractNext-generation embedded systems in application domains such as multimedia, wired and wireless communications, and multipurpose portable devices, are increasingly turning to multiprocessor platforms as a vehicle for their realization. But entirely fixed platforms composed of entirely fixed components lack the flexibility and ability to be optimized to the application to offer the best solution in any of these areas. Configurability at multiple levels offers a much better chance to optimize the resulting multiprocessor platform. Existing and emerging technologies for configurable and extensible processors and the creation of configurable multiprocessor subsystem platforms offer significant capability to design teams to both differentiate and optimize their products.
PDF file

7D-2 (Time: 10:35 - 10:55)
Title(Invited Paper) ARM MPCore The Streamlined and Scalable ARM11 Processor Core
Author*Kazuyuki Hirata (ARM, Japan), John Goodacre (ARM, Great Britain)
Pagepp. 747 - 748
Keywordmulti, core, processor, ARM
AbstractThe required processing performance of embedded processor core is getting higher and higher without increasing power consumption dramatically. In same time, large SoC design has more risk of re-spin and long design time due to the complexity and difficulty of verification. ARM offers multi core solution to overcome such a situation over various applications.
PDF file

7D-3 (Time: 10:55 - 11:15)
Title(Invited Paper) The Potential of Cell BE as a Platform Technology for Embedded Systems
AuthorPeter Hofstee (IBM, United States)

7D-4 (Time: 11:15 - 11:35)
Title(Invited Paper) Many-Core Platforms in Search for Supporting Tools
AuthorRudy Lauwereins (IMEC, Belgium)

7D-5 (Time: 11:35 - 11:55)
Title(Invited Paper) NomadikŪ: A Mobile Multimedia Application Processor Platform
Author*Maurizio Paganini (STMicroelectronics, France)
Pagepp. 749 - 750
AbstractThe NomadikŪ platform supports a range of consumer-oriented multimedia applications, and is specifically designed for mobile applications. The combined use of industry standard host processor, and multiple low-power DSPs associated with dedicated hardware accelerators make for a flexible, yet low-cost and low-power solution.
PDF file

7D-6 (Time: 11:55 - 12:20)
Title(Panel Discussion) Multi-Processor Platforms for Next Generation Embedded Systems
AuthorOrganizer: Nikil Dutt, Moderator: Nikil Dutt (Univ. of California, Irvine, United States), Panelists: David Goodwin (Tensilica, United States), Kazuyuki Hirata (ARM, Japan), Peter Hofstee (IBM, United States), Rudy Lauwereins (IMEC, Belgium), Maurizio Paganini (STMicroelecronics, France)