Classes |
class | CachedFunctionAstAttributes |
| This class stores precached information of a analyzed function. Each function definition has an associated precached ast attribute. So, we store the beginning vertex and the leaving segments of a vertex. More...
class | ConflictTable |
class | DataConflictAstAttributes |
| This class should be used for the data conflict analysis. We can mark a SgVariableRef instance which has reading or writing access or is unused. More...
class | DataConflictTable |
| This class represents the data conflict table among the individual segments. Two segments have a conflict if a least one variable is by the first segment and read by the second segment. A two dimensional array represents this array. More...
class | Edge |
struct | EdgePropertyWriter |
class | EventConflictTable |
| The conflicts are stored in the base class variable conflict_table_. The columns represent wait statements of the segments. The rows are representing the notifications of events. So, a true in conflict_table_[i][j] means that the associated segment/instance i notifies the event for which the associated segment/instance j is waiting. More...
class | FunctionAnnotationAttributes |
class | LeafNodeVisitor |
class | BreakStmtVisitor |
class | ContinueStmtVisitor |
struct | GraphPropertyWriter |
struct | MappedVariable |
| This is a helper class to describe a variable in the design through the symbol and the instance id. More...
struct | Conflict |
class | FunctionParameterReferenceAttribute |
class | LocalReferenceAttribute |
class | Segment |
class | SegmentGraph |
| This class represents a segment graph for a process. More...
class | Time |
| This class represents timing in discrete event simulation. More...
class | TimeAdvanceTable |
struct | VertexPropertyWriter |
Typedefs |
typedef std::list< MappedVariable > | MappedVariableList |
typedef boost::adjacency_list
< boost::listS, boost::listS,
boost::bidirectionalS, Segment,
Edge, boost::property
< boost::vertex_index_t, int > > | Graph |
typedef boost::graph_traits
< Graph >::vertex_descriptor | VertexDescriptor |
typedef boost::graph_traits
< Graph >::edge_descriptor | EdgeDescriptor |
typedef boost::graph_traits
< risc::sg::Graph >
::vertex_iterator | VertexIterator |
Functions |
std::list< int > | get_all_reachable_segments (SegmentGraph &segment_graph, int starting_id) |
const bool | operator< (const MappedVariable &lhs, const MappedVariable &rhs) |
const bool | operator< (const Conflict &lhs, const Conflict &rhs) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const risc::sg::Time &time) |