risc::sg::TimeAdvancedTable Class Reference

This class represents the time advanced tables for a given segment graph. We distinguish between the 'current time table' and the 'next time table'. More...

#include <time_advanced_table.h>

Collaboration diagram for risc::sg::TimeAdvancedTable:
Collaboration graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 TimeAdvancedTable (SegmentGraph &graph)
 Default constructor for the TimeAdvancedTable.
 ~TimeAdvancedTable ()
 Default destructor for the TimeAdvancedTable.
void determine_conflict_table ()
 This function determines conflicts among the segments.
void print_current_time_advanced_table (std::string filename)
 This function prints the current time advance table in a html file.
void print_next_time_advanced_table (std::string filename)
 This function prints the next time advance table in a html file.
void print_time_table (Time *table, std::string filename)
 This function is only for internal use. It is used as the base function for the other print functions.
Time get_waiting_time_for_segment (VertexIterator Segment)
 This function determines how much time is spend while entering a segment.
int get_segment_id (int index)
 This function looks up which segment id belongs to a given table index.
long long convert_si_magnitude (std::string magnitude)
 This function converts a given string like "SC_SEC" into the corresponding amount of femto seconds.

Public Attributes

 Reference to the associated segment graph of the conflict table.
int size_
 Size of the conflict table.
std::vector< VertexIteratortable_index_segment_lookup_
 This vector is a lookup between the conflict table index and the associated segment index.
 Pointer for the current and next time advance table.

Private Types

typedef boost::graph_traits
< risc::sg::Graph >

Detailed Description

This class represents the time advanced tables for a given segment graph. We distinguish between the 'current time table' and the 'next time table'.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef boost::graph_traits<risc::sg::Graph>::vertex_iterator risc::sg::TimeAdvancedTable::VertexIterator [private]

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

risc::sg::TimeAdvancedTable::TimeAdvancedTable ( SegmentGraph graph  ) 

Default constructor for the TimeAdvancedTable.

risc::sg::TimeAdvancedTable::~TimeAdvancedTable (  ) 

Default destructor for the TimeAdvancedTable.

Member Function Documentation

long long risc::sg::TimeAdvancedTable::convert_si_magnitude ( std::string  magnitude  ) 

This function converts a given string like "SC_SEC" into the corresponding amount of femto seconds.


void risc::sg::TimeAdvancedTable::determine_conflict_table (  ) 

This function determines conflicts among the segments.


int risc::sg::TimeAdvancedTable::get_segment_id ( int  index  ) 

This function looks up which segment id belongs to a given table index.


risc::sg::Time risc::sg::TimeAdvancedTable::get_waiting_time_for_segment ( VertexIterator  Segment  ) 

This function determines how much time is spend while entering a segment.


void risc::sg::TimeAdvancedTable::print_current_time_advanced_table ( std::string  filename  ) 

This function prints the current time advance table in a html file.


void risc::sg::TimeAdvancedTable::print_next_time_advanced_table ( std::string  filename  ) 

This function prints the next time advance table in a html file.


void risc::sg::TimeAdvancedTable::print_time_table ( Time table,
std::string  filename 

This function is only for internal use. It is used as the base function for the other print functions.


Member Data Documentation

Pointer for the current and next time advance table.

Reference to the associated segment graph of the conflict table.

Size of the conflict table.

This vector is a lookup between the conflict table index and the associated segment index.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
 All Classes Namespaces Files Functions Variables Typedefs Enumerations Enumerator Friends Defines

Generated on 29 Oct 2015 by  doxygen 1.6.1